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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Skates

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If you had a choice between the Synergy skates and the Vapor XXX(when they come out) which would you get. Im not sure which one to get because i Bauer always makes nice skates with all the new technology and all. But the Synergy skates have that coil spring that says makes them more explosive. Which one would you get and why?

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sorry to say, but i don't think your going to get as many opinions as you'd like on these two skates, as many people have yet to even see the skate in person or try them on, and plus the xxx isn't even out yet for consumers to try on. another point is, they haven't been out long enough to comment on their durability

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I don't believe the marketing about either skate. Get what fits your foot best, don't be fixated on the most expensive skates on the market.

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Other than for quality issues, other peoples opinions are somewhat useless for buying your own skates, each foot fits differently, and for skates that arent even available yet, its all marketing, which is usually worth as much as the paper its printed on.

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If you gonna throw around that much money on skates try one the vector pro,s500,protacks and all the other top of the line skates you dont need to get only those too skates fit is most important not technology

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yea try on others i would try g series grafs as well but like all the talk about the easton spring thing and stuff like that is bullshit like...a skate isnt gonna make you skate faster because easton says it has rocket boosters or somethin like that...if you have vapor xx and like them then go with xxx since its the same skate basically (dont attack me for sayin that please lol) but if you have eastons right now that you like that will probably be the better fit. try them on but to be honest if i didnt get my syns for free i prolly would never have gotten them...alotta money to take a chance with.

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i havent used em yet i just got em today

very light tho

i prolly wont use them for a bit because its gonna take a little while to have tuuks put on the razor blades isnt doin it for me...

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like said many times before, its your personal preference that will get you in the right skate for your foot. dont just spend that much money on a skate that might not fit you perfectly, just because its the newest model. you should go to you lhs and try a few pairs out, you might even find that a mid range skate would fit your foot better than some of the high end skates. also, if your your going to spend up to 600 $ on a pair of skates, look into graf, they have a variety of comfy and durable skates that you might like.

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isnt the vapor XXX going to be out only for a limited time???

No, the Vapor XXX is replacing the XX

The XXX is not replacing the XX, or at least thats what our rep told us.

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I never really liked the Vapor line. Supremes were always better in my opnion. but I would just get a pair of Grafs or Mission.

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i'll stick to my 8090's thank you, however, if i could choose a pair of either syns and XXX's for free, i'd pick up the syns. i picked up the composite shell and played around with it, the super coil technology does nothing, it's spring force is negligable, however, the boot seems like it'll flex with the foot better and it looks pretty comfortable

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guys, from a reps perspective (and not an easton or bauer rep) if you are going to consider the xxx or the synergy skate. and if they both fit your foot well... i would recommend the easton. look at the failure and breakdown rate of the xx's. i don't think you will find much of an improvement with the xxx's. if your foot is pretty much done growing, and you are skating quite a bit. i think you will find that the synergy skate will most likely last you around two seasons. good luck getting the xxx's to last more then 6-8 months. just my opinion, but i would rather buy one pair of skates for 529, and have them last two seasons, then 429 twice in one year because the skate didnt last.

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Well, if I were you I'd wait for the Easton Stealth skates or the Bauer XL (which doesn't stand for "extra-large", but means 40 in Roman numbers). They are gonna be soooo much better, lighter, more durable and FASTER than the Synergy or XXX!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, they really are!!!!!!

@ Prenny: What a bunch of ... are you posting here? Nobody has even skated 2 months in Synergy skates. How do you dare to judge that they "will most likely last you around two season". Nobody (I know of) has even tried the XXX on, so how can you smack their durability based on the XX experience? It is so obvious that you do not know what you're talking about that it leaves me shaking my head in disbelieve.

You could as well admit that you are working for Easton.

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Well, if I were you I'd wait for the Easton Stealth skates or the Bauer XL (which doesn't stand for "extra-large", but means 40 in Roman numbers). They are gonna be soooo much better, lighter, more durable and FASTER than the Synergy or XXX!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, they really are!!!!!!

@ Prenny: What a bunch of ... are you posting here? Nobody has even skated 2 months in Synergy skates. How do you dare to judge that they "will most likely last you around two season". Nobody (I know of) has even tried the XXX on, so how can you smack their durability based on the XX experience? It is so obvious that you do not know what you're talking about that it leaves me shaking my head in disbelieve.

You could as well admit that you are working for Easton.

Did you have a bowl of crabby for breakfast, buddy?

i agree, its too early to comment on a skate no one but shop workers have seen, try them on and go from there

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Based solely on the history of the XX and the fact the XXX is even lighter, I can understand suggesting the Easton. The 2 year part I don't know about.

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I have a pair of the SyNergy skates but they are not good the skate is heavy it is not the worlds lightest skate the weight is 1kg at one skate it is really heavy..

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I am afraid that all this drive to have "the lightest skates" both in ice and inline hockey...is one of the great marketing coups of the manufacturing industry. While there is no doubt that the feel of a light skate inspires some confidence that you will skate faster, there is so much more that is important. First and foremost comfort and fit, and does the skate maintain it's flex and rebound during the whole course of the game once the foot/skate really heats up? Is the skate well vented to help cool the foot to reduce high volume perspiration..which can add more weight to the skate than any manufacturer can ever take out.

And with so many of us living in fear that we will not get this "ultimate high performance" do we now accept that replacing skates once a year is a "normal thing"? I have been just as guilty of this as anybody else, forever looking for an "edge" for my own child..but maybe we need to heed the needs of those who have to work their tails off to get a new pair of decent skates, and demand some longevity too.

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@ Prenny: What a bunch of ... are you posting here? Nobody has even skated 2 months in Synergy skates. How do you dare to judge that they "will most likely last you around two season". Nobody (I know of) has even tried the XXX on, so how can you smack their durability based on the XX experience? It is so obvious that you do not know what you're talking about that it leaves me shaking my head in disbelieve.

You could as well admit that you are working for Easton.

shark... first off, it was noted that is my opinion about the xxx's. bauer has had the same problem since the vapor 10 came out years ago. just working off history there. secondly, there are people that have had the synergy skates for at least 2 months. lets talk college players, and a few other lucky skaters. my comments about their durability is simply based on the fact that there is no soft material on the boot to break down like the xx's. the breakdown will come from the inner padding, which i will say, technology there has gotten better in the past few years. internal padding is working better then in the old days, so the average player can probably get a couple seasons out of the inside... and with the synergy, the boot itself will most likely hold up. these two issues are big reasons that colleges have switched players into the synergy skate... will decrease skate budgets believe it or not. fyi... i don't just post comments to read my own writing, and i don't post without some personal info or experiences.

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Maybe I've been venting a bit hard this morning (my time).

The thing I've read most about Synergy skates is that the outer materials come loose easily from the composite because they are only glued on (with stiching not beeing an option on composite material).

That beeing said, I am waiting for some good reviews on the Synergies by trusted members, because I might be interested in getting a pair if ever they fit my feet.

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