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Husband kills wife after Pens lose 3 OT Game

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It may be safe to assume that the man and his wife already had prior problems and anything could have set him off. But yeah, nice to see people have their priorities straight.

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No, it came out the day after it happened. He burned the house down to try and conceal the killing as well.

Anything can set someone off. There was a killing here of 3 police officers last year that was started by a Pitbull peeing on a carpet. Another guy around here killed a bunch of women at a gym because he got turned down for a date by a girl at his work.

Some people are just F'd up. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Wow, they take they're hockey seriously north of the border. I mean c'mon, it's only the first round. A black eye or two should really have done the trick.

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Obviously, this guy would have killed her soon anyway, musn't have been there 1st argument lol. Better than doing it in a grocery store over 1 or 2% milk.

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What a crazy story. I agree that he was probably going to kill her anyways. No way a little argument ends in murder without him having thought about it ahead of time. Interesting that he got charged with "abuse of a corpse". Never heard of that before, but makes sense.

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this is brutal. and yep like sayed above probally just another just bandwagon jumper who the pens are unstoppable. that is just nuts.

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He doesn't know better, he's from...Toronto....

haha real mature man

and sorry i made a mistake...is that not allowed

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