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Glove Palms drying hard - use Tacki Mac?

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I like the feel. What else would I do..........use stretch grip tape and put clear tape over that.....

I also don't get it

the reason people usually use tape is to have a grip on the stick, but putting clear tape over defeats the purpose since all you get is a bit thicker, but very slippery handle. Why not just grab the stick & go then?

re the topic - I've been using tacki-mac for a long time & my palms are pristine, after all it's silicone & isn't abrasive or leaves any residue so it's certianly superior to regular tape.

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The tacki-mac grip you guys use, which texture do you use?

heres a link to their site, with what they offer in terms for butt ends http://www.tackimac.com/shoppingcart/hocke...mmandgrips.html

I would most likely choose the "ribbed wrapped" but since it says "NEW," im wondering do most LHS carry it yet? I never bothered much to research this item until today lol

and the blue colored grips most pro's sticks are used with, are they damaging to the palms, i remember reading they eat it very fast, so im assuming they are nothing like the sponge grips of renfrew?

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I like the ribbed wrapped, in white. The regular wrapped is nice too, particularly if you need a smaller diameter (the ribbed wrapped is slightly bigger). I never find the color/style combination I want at the LHS, so I just order them straight through the Tacki-Mac website. They're easy to deal with, reliable, and they have them all in stock. Online order works fine, particularly if you need a handful of them.

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I like the ribbed wrapped, in white. The regular wrapped is nice too, particularly if you need a smaller diameter (the ribbed wrapped is slightly bigger). I never find the color/style combination I want at the LHS, so I just order them straight through the Tacki-Mac website. They're easy to deal with, reliable, and they have them all in stock. Online order works fine, particularly if you need a handful of them.

with me, i hold the butt end of the stick in my palm. when i normally wrap my handle, i have the butt end which isnt huge, but average i suppose, and for the hanfle, not more than 2-3 layers wrapped when using the cloth tape.

what would you recommend, if i cant see any at a LHS, and haven to go online?

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with me, i hold the butt end of the stick in my palm. when i normally wrap my handle, i have the butt end which isnt huge, but average i suppose, and for the hanfle, not more than 2-3 layers wrapped when using the cloth tape.

what would you recommend, if i cant see any at a LHS, and haven to go online?

From your description, sounds like the regular wrapped would be a reasonably close match. Of course, it would be easier to tell from a picture of your wrap, but that's what it sounds like to me. The regular wrapped Tacki-Mac has the feel of 2 layers of tape with a small to average butt end. They have a wrapped big-butt too, but if you palm the butt, it would probably be too much butt for you. Of course, if you like big butts and you cannot lie... :)

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I also don't get it

the reason people usually use tape is to have a grip on the stick, but putting clear tape over defeats the purpose since all you get is a bit thicker, but very slippery handle. Why not just grab the stick & go then?

re the topic - I've been using tacki-mac for a long time & my palms are pristine, after all it's silicone & isn't abrasive or leaves any residue so it's certianly superior to regular tape.

simple...........I like a knob, but don't like the wear on my palms. I don't find the clear tape too slippery and it wears my palms less. What's not to get?

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From your description, sounds like the regular wrapped would be a reasonably close match. Of course, it would be easier to tell from a picture of your wrap, but that's what it sounds like to me. The regular wrapped Tacki-Mac has the feel of 2 layers of tape with a small to average butt end. They have a wrapped big-butt too, but if you palm the butt, it would probably be too much butt for you. Of course, if you like big butts and you cannot lie... :)

I do like my butts, like I said I palm them, just need to find a butt that is not too abusive :)

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simple...........I like a knob, but don't like the wear on my palms. I don't find the clear tape too slippery and it wears my palms less. What's not to get?

Ah that's where I missed the point. I don't have a but-end on mine past 3-4 layers of cloth tape. Didn't see the point in using both, but only from my perspective.

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I use that Renfrew grip tape on my buttends and notice it doesnt wear as much as cloth did. I have just a ring around the top of the butt then just cloth tape the end of the grip tape so it stays in place better. Wont be going back to cloth buttends for a while. i also dont make and texture to it i.e. criss crossing the rolled up tape around the buttend.

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Ah that's where I missed the point. I don't have a but-end on mine past 3-4 layers of cloth tape. Didn't see the point in using both, but only from my perspective.

If you think that is weird, you should see my stick with a tacki mac. I cut the knob off, used both black and white cloth tape to make a knob, and then wrapped clear tape just around the knob. I should post a pic later lol

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Any tape(I usually use white cloth) with a layer of clear sock tape over it is the best in my opinon

so unfortunately, i was too late in going to the store to buy the taci mac grip so i tried the clear tape trick. and man it worked well and i love it. 2 hours later, no marks on the palms or anything! plus the grip of the stick wasnt affected like i thought it might. (at least for me)


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Hi Everyone. Thanks for all your input. I went ahead and got a Tacki Mac grip for my sticks before using my new gloves. I have only used the gloves on the tacki mac sticks and so far so good! My top hand does not dry hard like it used to. I also read your suggestions on wear and tear on the palm, so I got the relatively smooth grip options from tacki mac. The grip is still great on them because of the material.

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