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mf2 hockey glove reviews

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I'm interested in getting some custom gloves from Mf2, but I would like some feedback before I do.

How is the quality?

What is the fit like? (Contoured, Tapered, Traditional)

How are the palms? Any comparison to other popular gloves.


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  IceBuckeye88 said:
I wonder why they are calling them MF2 instead of 'Fernland'?
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I do know that answer, it's b/c his son is involved as well.

From their web-site:

MF2 Hockey

Our trademark’s meaning is twofold - First, the retail market represents a new and refreshing challenge for the company. Secondly, Michel is greatly supported by his son, Martin, who is the production manager for the company. The two Ms form the best creation and production team in the industry.

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  SubliTWILL said:
Why go copycat when you can get the real thing from Eagle or Warrior?

Support ethical companies!

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Please explain the last statement?

We are looking for information, so if you have something to support the claim that MF2 is not an ethical company, I would like to know what it is.


It seems like you can do a lot of customizing. This is what I put together. I based this on some Ranger Warrior gloves I saw on E-bay that went for more than I wanted to pay.

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  rangers1234 said:
It seems like you can do a lot of customizing. This is what I put together. I based this on some Ranger Warrior gloves I saw on E-bay that went for more than I wanted to pay.
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Didn't feel like dropping $208 on the those narrow franchises that ended today?? :)

How much are these MF2 customized gloves?

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  uclahockey707 said:
Didn't feel like dropping $208 on the those narrow franchises that ended today?? :)

How much are these MF2 customized gloves?

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I was close to doing it, but I would have had to shorten them for an extra $60.

I just sent in the request, so I'll let you know when I get a response.

But, if there is an issue with company, or the gloves get bad review from anyone for legit reasons, then I'm not going to purchase them.

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  rangers1234 said:
I looked and didn't find anything. Why don't you just come out and say why they are unethical?
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I think he's referring to the striking similarity of the glove design to Warrior and Eagle. I mean you look at the Elite, and it looks like every feature is directly based on the Warrior Franchise.

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  dsjunior1388 said:
I think he's referring to the striking similarity of the glove design to Warrior and Eagle. I mean you look at the Elite, and it looks like every feature is directly based on the Warrior Franchise.
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If this were the case, then wouldn't everyone who makes a 4-roll be guilty of the same thing, except for of course, the original 4-roll glove maker.

I already looked through that thread and there are no references to MF2. I can assume that is what Sublitwill is talking about, but there is no direct statement against MF2.

So do you know for a fact he took apart Warrior or Eagle gloves and is infringing on patent or trademark rights, or are you just upset that he is making a glove that looks like other companies? I'm not trying to pick a fight either; I'm just looking for the facts. If MF2 were infringing on other companies patents or trademark, I would also assume they would be in the process of getting sued. I've searched on the web for any details of a pending law suite and I have not found anything. What I did find was Cascade suing Warrior for a trademark infringement on a lacrosse helmet. So you may want to re-think your first ethical company comments from above.

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I'm not sure how MF2 can be an 'unethical' company if they are making their own product in their own factory in Canada? They offer numerous designs and more customization than the others. What I'm interested in is if the MF2 is a quality glove? Having never seen one, I have no Idea. I have 2 pairs of MIA's, a pair of Franchise's, and a pair of Eagles - so I know what I'm getting if I bought another pair of those.

I agree with a post from above that stated that no one owns the four roll design. Every company out there has a four roll. Are they all 'counterfitting'? If Anything, the company's that are producing a glove similar to the 'Franchise' in China borders on Unethical. Of course, Eagle and Warrior are producing 'knock offs' of their own gloves overseas as well.

What's a better deal: A Warrior Bully for $100 or a Franchise for $200?

Last, Warrior is a company that markets very aggressively. Many people consider their marketing to be unethical. They use names such as: Kronic, Double D, Johnson, Stroker ('The Stroker - the perfect complement for your Johnson - how ridiculous is that?), Suicide, Hitman, Douche bag, etc. Personally, I'm no longer interested in their products because of the image they have worked so hard to create. They are the 'punk' company in hockey.

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  uclahockey707 said:
Didn't feel like dropping $208 on the those narrow franchises that ended today?? :)

How much are these MF2 customized gloves?

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this is the email i got from him

Hello Nick

First thanks you for contacting us.

Adult gloves 13",14",15" : 150.00 per pair

Intermadiate 12" : 135.00 per pair

Junior 11" : 110.00 per pair

Names and numbers are included in these prices.

Now if you have more or less than 15 to 20 pairs than we can talk and give

you a better price.

Look forward to hear from you

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I dont think MF2 has infringed on any copyrights, YET, they are a brand new company. They may have formed a new company because they were getting sued. But judging from this thread and the linked thread it looks like Ferland has sold his gloves under the Eagle and Warrior name in the past and gotten caught doing it. This is counterfeiting and i will never buy from someone with a history like that.

A few weeks ago i stumbled onto the site and got some emails back from Mr. Ferland himself. The English was very bad as he speaks mainly french but the price for a custom glove is $150, very cheap. But id rather spend some more money and get a legitimate and quality product from a legitimate and quality brand, such as Warrior or Eagle.

Oh, and competing companies sue each other willy nilly. Doesn't mean they are unethical companies. Apple has a massive lawsuit with Nokia right now, Easton has one with Bauer, the list goes on and on.

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Yeah, Subtwill, if you know something specific you need to come out and say it and stop being so secretive. What you have posted and said proves absolutely nothing about MF2, hell it hasnt even hinted at it. You've left it open for people to try to interpret it. Just say it if you know something.

I've spoken to him about these gloves and was going to try them when I had the funds. I like the customization and the price. I also owned a pair of original Ferland gloves and they were wonderful and would like to own a newer and updated version of them. If the quality of these are anywhere close to the originals they'll be awesome gloves and easily be of, or surpass the quality of Warriors.

If there is a real and legit problem, come out and say it.

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Perhaps he's not saying anything because he's not willing to stick his neck out on the line considering what business industry he's involved in. Did you even consider that?

Would you stick your neck out knowing it'd probably cost you your business?

This is just my take on it, I actually have no idea what's going on with MF2. All I know is that Pro Stock gloves beat the price of custom gloves. Well, I actually know quite a bit more than just that one fact, but you get the idea.

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  IceBuckeye88 said:
Last, Warrior is a company that markets very aggressively. Many people consider their marketing to be unethical. They use names such as: Kronic, Double D, Johnson, Stroker ('The Stroker - the perfect complement for your Johnson - how ridiculous is that?), Suicide, Hitman, Douche bag, etc. Personally, I'm no longer interested in their products because of the image they have worked so hard to create. They are the 'punk' company in hockey.
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The naming of their products has nothing to do with ethics. They aren't lying, cheating, or breaking any business "rules" like stealing secrets from a competitor with a Johnson stick. It might go against an individual's moral beliefs to purchase or consider purchasing a product with one of those names, but that's not ethics.

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I kind of figured that Sublitwill is being discreate b/c of his direct inovolvment in the industry and that of course is acceptable. The information provided by goaliemanshark is very interesting and if that is true, there is no way I would do business with this company.

Does anyone know if this is just a rumor or factualy true?

  goaliemanshark said:
I dont think MF2 has infringed on any copyrights, YET, they are a brand new company. They may have formed a new company because they were getting sued. But judging from this thread and the linked thread it looks like Ferland has sold his gloves under the Eagle and Warrior name in the past and gotten caught doing it. This is counterfeiting and i will never buy from someone with a history like that.
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  Krev said:
Perhaps he's not saying anything because he's not willing to stick his neck out on the line considering what business industry he's involved in. Did you even consider that?

Would you stick your neck out knowing it'd probably cost you your business?

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Umm, that doesnt make sense. I've worked in retail most of my life from a basic grunt up through management and now I own my own customer related business. I dont see what he would have to be afraid of.

If he knows that MF2 has somehow been unethical, he has nothing to lose by saying so. Whats the worst that happens, MF2 doesnt like him or sell to him? Doesnt sound like he wants their product anyway. If its true, he doesnt need to worry about legal action.

However, if its not true, or its rumors or he doesnt know for sure, then yes, he would be tentative to come out and say it for fear of trashing someone's name without solid proof. This is what his beating around the bush sounds like. He thinks, has an opinion, or has heard rumors, but doesnt really know for sure. So he'd rather hint at and imply something is unethical without actually saying it.

All I ask is that if he knows something for sure, he should say it. If its true, there shouldnt be anything to be worried about, certainly nothing that would cost him his business. As a matter of fact, what he's doing now is worse because he is trashing someone elses name and business through implied statements and with nothing to back it up. That could potentially be more damaging then coming out and telling the truth.

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  jsykes said:
All I ask is that if he knows something for sure, he should say it. If its true, there shouldnt be anything to be worried about, certainly nothing that would cost him his business. As a matter of fact, what he's doing now is worse because he is trashing someone elses name and business through implied statements and with nothing to back it up. That could potentially be more damaging then coming out and telling the truth.
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The business implications are huge for him, and the fact that he is even willing to say anything negative about Ferland shows how badly he wants the consumers to be educated and to make moral purchases. There are many ways this could hurt his business, i'm sure if you use your imagination you can think of many ways directly trashing a business could hurt you in the future, especially if it is forever archived online. He is being vague on purpose to avoid any future problems.

SubliTWILL is a class act guy with high morals, and i'm sure he has plenty of good reasons to say what he is saying, he is being vague to protect his own ass. I would just trust him.

By the way, all of this is speculation and im just assuming why he is saying what he is saying.

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I have 3 pairs of MF2 gloves.

Honestly, for the price they are great gloves.

They might not be as "cool" as Warrior or Eagle gloves, but so far the quality is excellent.

Protection wise, they are superior to Franchise gloves.





Classic custom


I got all the options possible for the Classic, and they came up to 175 cdn I believe.

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  Demangone said:
The naming of their products has nothing to do with ethics. They aren't lying, cheating, or breaking any business "rules" like stealing secrets from a competitor with a Johnson stick. It might go against an individual's moral beliefs to purchase or consider purchasing a product with one of those names, but that's not ethics.
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So are you saying the folks in Warriors Marketing department lack morals? Just kidding:-).

I find it ironic that most of the business world 'copy cats' each other, yet here we are arguing about ethics. Microsoft has copied or ripped off all their competitors and look at them. In hockey, there are many companies that have their gear made at the same factories in China - no wonder there are so many similar products out there. The Chinese routinely counterfit products, yet these companies still have their products made in China. I guess they look at it as an accepted risk in exchange for cheap labor. What about the companies that have their name put on a competitors product so an NHL player will use it?

As for MF2, unless someone can give a specific violation by them, I'm interested in their product and will order a pair soon. I could care less that one of their gloves has design similarities to other four rolls on the market. All the four rolls gloves immitate each other one way or another.

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  goaliemanshark said:
The business implications are huge for him, and the fact that he is even willing to say anything negative about Ferland shows how badly he wants the consumers to be educated and to make moral purchases.
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Then let him say it if its so bad and its the TRUTH. What he has already done has already put him on the chopping block as far as any repercussions that could happen. He's already said it, he's implied it and he hasnt come out with any proof or support for his implied statements. He's already in it. As a matter of fact, what he's done is probably worse as he is painting a very bad picture of Ferland with no reasoning behind it.

  goaliemanshark said:
There are many ways this could hurt his business, i'm sure if you use your imagination you can think of many ways directly trashing a business could hurt you in the future, especially if it is forever archived online. He is being vague on purpose to avoid any future problems.
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Being vague does not help him. As was said, he's already done and said it through implied statements. He cant now argue he didnt put down Ferland. If he's worried about hurting his business, he should not say anything, that is how it works. As soon as you come out and say anything to put down someone else, its a done deal. At this point, the best thing he could do is come clean and actually back up his statements so it doesnt look like he just has some kind of axe to grind.

  goaliemanshark said:
SubliTWILL is a class act guy with high morals, and i'm sure he has plenty of good reasons to say what he is saying, he is being vague to protect his own ass. I would just trust him.
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I'm not questioning his morals or his class. I'm asking him to share the knowledge he has. I do question his doing what he has done. Again, if he's afraid of his business, staying quiet is the best thing he could have done. If he has truthful statements to make, make them, back them up and stand by them and there isnt really anything bad that could happen.

He's already stepped in it if he fears for his business. Its not like someone is going to go, "You know, I wasnt going to do business with you if you came out and said Ferland was bad, but since you just hinted at it and implied it, we can still work together."

  goaliemanshark said:
By the way, all of this is speculation and im just assuming why he is saying what he is saying.
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Well, then maybe we should stop and let him fight his own battle. He can come out and say for himself what he knows or why he is, not so subtly, hinting at Ferland's immoral business practices.

BTW, I'm not defending Ferland either. But he's already said it, he's made his bed. At this point I'd like to hear reasons or else all it looks like is he doesnt really have any proof or knowledge of anything, but just wants to imply things to smear someone's name and business.

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If you had read the thread in which he posted, the information is there. He said EXACTLY what happened.

It's not the first time, and certainly not the last time you'll see cloned gloves, especially when you have access to patterns and dies. But down to the brand name? That IS unethical.

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Jsykes, you're right, I'm going to let him defend himself. I'm sure he will post as soon as he is able to. I was just trying to back him up and attempt to show you why he is doing what he is doing. Off MSH SubliTWILL has been nothing short of fantastic to me, and I'm just trying to repay that by defending him.

But you're absolutely correct, I shouldn't assume his reasoning for doing what he is doing and just let him defend himself.

But as JR said if you read the thread you will see exactly what Ferland was doing... And because of his unethical past and SubliTWILL's warning i will not buy gloves from MF2 hockey.

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