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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Easton Sticks

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I got my new sticks.
Feeling better.


V9E but V9's graphic.

65flex, ultra grip surface, square shaft...etc...


New pattern.


Large angle and very slightly toe flick.

Heel curve.


Cut about 21cm.

After that, insert wood plug.

I will use on tonight!

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I had a contact that would get me easton sticks from various NHL teams(Minnesota, Nashville, LA) but he has kind of fallen of the map in terms of communication. Before we stopped talking he mentioned he could supply me with an order form for custom easton sticks. I was still intersted in going this route so I was wondering if anyone has access to this or can get me into contact with someone who can? I understand the ordering requirments and price associated with the sticks. Thanks.

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so that's about 20 sticks imho !!??

For 12 sticks (depending on where you are and who you go through, minimum order may be 6 sticks, but usually it's 12)

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Sweet. Did you make any changes to the blade face? I remember the toe modification you made last time to flatten out some of the rocker on the Roenick Pro. Be sure to keep us updated on photos. How did you make the positive for the mold? Is it a curved blade from one of your broken customs? It looks like the elliptical shaft is sticking up out of the mold on the left side of the photo.

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I used 1st order V9E for making mold.
When I ordered this 1st sticks, I little felt unfortunate because tapered Roenick of its model was different from elliptical taper at its width and thickness. So I think we should send a model to Easton with exactly shape as possible.
Then at 2nd ordering, I couldn't bend carbon blade as I was thinking. It's very hard. And especially at heel it has been making with different carbon fiber so there are different hardness on small point. If I wanted to bend part.A, in actually part.B was bent more because B was weaker than A. So 2nd ordering model was little open faced. I've not been satisfied with that.

So I decided to make 3rd mold / model with wax. After curving it I will re-mold it and newly make FRP model for submission to Easton.


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FRP is Fiber Reinforced Plastic. I will put grass fiber into final mold and pour polyester resin. If it would be used carbon fiber instead of grass fiber and pour epoxy resin, we call it CFRP.

If only I will use the final FRP model for submitting to Easton, I think it's no need to use grass fiber. Just useful with polyester resin. But I think it's better to be going to do test even only stick handling with it.

Wacom tablet is useful. There is no special reason! Just hobby :)

Now I'm trying to modify this wax model though, put new amount is difficult. But to bend is really easy, good!

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This is my wrist shoot track.
First blue line touche with pack upper edge. Closed blade face.
Second beginning of orange line start open face and pack get on.
Third orange line go to down by close wrist and pack release.



I will bend next curve according to this track. It's really for my own.

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Hello again,

At first, I want to say thankfulness to Zach.

I've received my custom Easton V9E sticks at the end of last year.11448555376_cf770ebfb1.jpg 11697148815_43942144ff.jpg

This is REALLY awsome item!

I've never used such these tortionable sticks.

Can you take a photo of the new blade curve from the top looking down on the curve, thanks :-)

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Now as this.


I respect Phil Kessel. His curve is little special.

Current hockey blades have rocker. So it's hard to say about exactly its lie angle. For example if there is a no rocker blade which can be used correctly, it is no curved blade as vintage stick before 50's. Current hockey blades are given some curves. And besides the reason someone want to use his stick more freely, much curve needs much rocker when leaned.

Kessel's blade have much curve but less rocker. I've thought I want to follow this design. But my curve is pure heel. It's really hard to make as same as Kessel. Here pic shows us very less toe rocker blade. I'm worried about whether really I will be able to use such this pattern. This toe rocker angle is more less than my 2nd straight toe rocker blade. Maybe it's hard to touch or control the pack around near body or skates.

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Almost done.

The angle of the blade bigger than 1st / Roenick pro stock but less than 2nd my pattern. I've felt as too enough about 2nd blade angle. But also felt 1st is certainly not enough. So I picked up between.

I will go this toe rocker. I trust my sense. But perhaps I will change toe shape as 2nd.

I will re-mold this wax model with silicon and FRP shell. And finally make FRP model for submitting to Easton.

Maybe I will received the sticks this year end.

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Sticking plug part for connecting with shaft.
I really think interesting at blade length. When I ordered 1st custom stick, I filed Roenick blade off just 1cm. But it was really big difference.
While I had used Roenick, I couldn't change my feeling however I cut my stick length shorter. But after I get 1cm shorter blade, I think I would be able to choose stick length in true sense. I think this have a relationship with a feeling when we do toeing action.
So I want to test the handling feeling in real test. I will make mold again for FRP model and test with tapered shaft.

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Looking retail sticks, we don't see these pure heel curve often. There are a few though.

But I found a lot of similar type of sticks when I checked internet shop of pro stock sticks. There were a lot of sticks which was put toe hook in the numbers.

This is my sense though, now showing sticks in the web shop are about 400 over and its half is just similar as these straight heel curve or heel curve + toe hook.

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