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Easton Razor Bladz II ?

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The holders are on sale pretty cheap at hockeymonkey Here is the link Razor Bladz II

That is the Razor Bladz, not the Razor Bladz II. Not sure what the difference is???

It looks like if I order the holder and steel somehwere on the internet, there are a couple places that say they have iit, that I'm going to spend around $80 bucks with shipping included. For that price the LHS will put 2 new light speed holders and steel on my boots!

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That is the Razor Bladz, not the Razor Bladz II. Not sure what the difference is???

It looks like if I order the holder and steel somehwere on the internet, there are a couple places that say they have iit, that I'm going to spend around $80 bucks with shipping included. For that price the LHS will put 2 new light speed holders and steel on my boots!

How are you going to get 2 Lightspeed holders (more expensive than the Easton Razor Bladz II) and steel, and get them installed cheaper than one RBII holder and steel?

Total Hockey has the RBII holders and steel for them.

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Not sure man. I have only been playing hockey for about 1 year now. That is just what I was told. 2 runners, 2 steel, Light Speed II - $80.

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RBII's are easton... and quite frankly, having used them for a year, they are not a very good steel or holder.

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Not sure man. I have only been playing hockey for about 1 year now. That is just what I was told. 2 runners, 2 steel, Light Speed II - $80.

Maybe Reebok is over priced!

That's pretty cheap. I would definately do that than get RB, epro or cobra holders. tuuks have a huge majority in the world, its quite easy to get replacement parts if you are on the road (steel, holder, screws) compared to anything else.

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Or......Would you buy a brand new pair of Easton Z-Air Comps, a half size too big, but with the same size holder that I am looking for. I can use the holder and runners from them, and then put them on e-bay and try to make a couple bucks? They are also $80

RBII's are easton... and quite frankly, having used them for a year, they are not a very good steel or holder.

What don't you like about the rador bladz II holder and steel?

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More parts. Wont have to tighten screw once a month.

TUUKs own every holder, especially the razor blade. There is a reason I think there is only 1 person in the NHL that is wearing razor blades. Granted its to make the Eqm Manager's life easier so he doesn't have a bunch of steel and holders to carry. Also if you got the z airs, youre going to have to pay to get them taken off and put back on. Get the tuuks.

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What don't you like about the rador bladz II holder and steel?

Steel doesnt hold an edge well at all, the holder is soft plastic and the screws in the boot dont stay tight, but i dont know if I blame that on the holders.

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Here is the deal....

I am trying to get the holder and steel for a brand new pair of pro stock z-air comps. The left foot has the holder and steel, the right has nothing

Here Are My Options:

1. Buy the steel and holder, RBII on the internet, it will be about $60 to my door. Then I have to pay to get it installed, $20, then a bake, $10, and a sharpen, $5....Grand total $95

2. Buy the 1/2 size too big z-air comps that are on clearance for $80, get a free bake, free sharpen, and pay $20 to have the holder and steel installed. Hopefully I would be able to get $20 bucks out of them on e-bay! Total, $100 bucks, minus whatever I may be able to sell them for

3. Have LS 2's installed, $100 (I screwed up the pricing earlier)

4. Have Custom + installed, $80

The one issue is that I was told by a couple shops that the holes are almost too close to install the tuuks, casue they would not be drilling new holes, they would more like be widening the current holes, they are that close. Is this someone being lazy, or is there truth to this?

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LS2 is the better tower and steel. As for the holes, there is some truth to it. Happened with a few of mine. You should be fine.

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since your going to spend anywhere between 70-100 bucks, just go with the ls2. only way I wouldn't, and the only way I might add, is if I was VERY tight on money, and I could get RBs & steel for like 20 bucks.

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The LS2's appear to be too close, we would just be making the current holes larger in the boot.

The LHS has a set of black custom +'s that would look really sweet on these skates (they are all Black pro stock z-air comps.) The Custom +'s line up perfectly with the current holes already in the boot.I think that is the route that I am going to go.

After a lot of visits to a few local shops and speaking with the tech's, it does not appear that anyone really wants to install the LS2's due to the way the current holes in the boot and the holes in the holder are lining up.

Thanks all for the input

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Sorry to revive an old thread but I'm about to start using my Easton eq40s I picked up on clearance. No real heavy or competitive games just rec between friends. Are the holders that bad that I should switch to a thin or stick with it. I havnt tried them out yet, I guess I probably should before spending $, but is there something I should know about them.

BTw I'm coming from inline playing near exclusive for the past many years. Currently in ac2 skates with the mission hi-lo chassis, I'm really not sure how holder pitch or blade radius play into things but thoughts on that would be helpfull too.

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They aren't terrible, I've used Easton skates and changed the holders just for comfort reasons and personal preference. You should be fine

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I'm on my third pair of Easton skates. All have had the Razor Bladz 2 holders. My advice, if you decide to keep the RB 2 holders, is to get yourself a set of the standard steel. I hated the feel of the RB 2s until I did. But, with solid steel in them (not the parabolic or other scalloped steel most of the Easton skates are sold with) the holders feel just fine.

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I have a pair of Sekera pro-stock S17's that have the Razor Blaze ll holders on. I figured if they were good enough for him, they were good enough for me. And I have a riviter & LS2 holders w/steel to fit. Thought about swapping them out, but never got around to it & soon got used to them. They do have Step Steel though.

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