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Skates Similar to Graf Ultra G35

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I'm looking to make a transition from my Graf Ultra G35's. What high end skates would fit similar to the G35? In particular, a narrow heel is important as many skates slip for me in the heel area.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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I'm looking to make a transition from my Graf Ultra G35's. What high end skates would fit similar to the G35? In particular, a narrow heel is important as many skates slip for me in the heel area.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Most likely Vapors as they both share a similar fit.

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I can't comment on the overall shape of the vapors, but the heel on the G35 is very pronounced, whereas the heel on the Vapor is fairly shallow and vertical.

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Stupid question, but how do you determine if your heel is pronounced or not? What are you looking for in its' shape? Google comes up with squat.

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Stupid question, but how do you determine if your heel is pronounced or not? What are you looking for in its' shape? Google comes up with squat.

kind of a vague answer, but your heel is pronounced if it sticks out from your foot a lot

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kind of a vague answer, but your heel is pronounced if it sticks out from your foot a lot

Went from graf ultra G35 to vapor x:50. I have always worn graf for the comfortable fit but the new vapor line fits very close to graf but with way better performance. I only have to where the vapors with the top eyelet undone to have the same agressive lean as the graf ultra g35. My heel is also locked in better than than the graf.

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With grafs, what is the forefoot width? Is it the same as the heel? For instances, if it has a medium heel the forefoot will be medium. Also, if you get a wide does the heel width also increase?

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Stupid question, but how do you determine if your heel is pronounced or not? What are you looking for in its' shape? Google comes up with squat.

Its kind of tough to describe without a picture but with a "pronounced" heel it kind of slopes outward from the back of the leg and looks a bit like a ball, whereas the vapor heel is sort of straight up and down and in line with the back of the leg/

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Its kind of tough to describe without a picture but with a "pronounced" heel it kind of slopes outward from the back of the leg and looks a bit like a ball, whereas the vapor heel is sort of straight up and down and in line with the back of the leg/



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Went from graf ultra G35 to vapor x:50. I have always worn graf for the comfortable fit but the new vapor line fits very close to graf but with way better performance. I only have to where the vapors with the top eyelet undone to have the same agressive lean as the graf ultra g35. My heel is also locked in better than than the graf.

I have a similar experience going from 703's to X:60's. I was afraid I wouldn't feel pitched forward enough. The X:60's surprised me because I've always felt flat-footed when trying other brands. I leave the top eyelet undone as well. The forward range of motion isn't there that I had on the Grafs. Also, my heal isn't locking in on the X:60's. I'm thinking of having them re-baked and trying to pinch them in.

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I have the X:60 and I would have prefered a good anatomical pronounced heel, not the vertical v-shape, which I really hate and the thing that gives haglunds "bauer bumps". I do have a narrow heel, but it is pronounced very well and I trully hate the V-shape heel in Vapors. I really hope they'le change this heel fit with the next generations, other than that, there isn't anything I could ask more from the Vapors.

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