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Hockey Movie

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  On 7/16/2010 at 4:43 AM, RadioGaGa said:

Directed by the guy who did "One Week" starring Joshua Jackson (Fringe, Dawsonn's Creek)

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and don't forget Joshua Jackson was also Charlie from the Mighty Ducks Trilogy.

But this movie does look like a joke. i really hope it's better than it looks, but sadly, i don't think thats the case...

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One thing I noticed was that the players were using a bunch of different gear. I saw the main character with a crappy Vapour 10 (X) stick, winwell gloves, saw an Easton T-Flex shaft too, some Graf skates etcetc

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How about that Den Brother Disney piece of crap? I watched like 10 min to see what the hockey looked like. Just terrible.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 2:12 AM, tjl_48 said:

How about that Den Brother Disney piece of crap? I watched like 10 min to see what the hockey looked like. Just terrible.

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Try having young 5 and 10 year old cousins who just "Loved the movie and the hockey scenes in it??" I had to watch it twice. I eventually removed myself because some of the hockey in there, pissed me off.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 6:42 AM, NextBobbyOrr said:

Try having young 5 and 10 year old cousins who just "Loved the movie and the hockey scenes in it??" I had to watch it twice. I eventually removed myself because some of the hockey in there, pissed me off.

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do you realize that disney channel has done two crappy movies about hockey and none about football? Go ruin another sport disney haha.

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  On 8/26/2010 at 2:08 AM, AIREAYE said:

One thing I noticed was that the players were using a bunch of different gear. I saw the main character with a crappy Vapour 10 (X) stick, winwell gloves, saw an Easton T-Flex shaft too, some Graf skates etcetc

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Haha I noticed that too. In Slap Shot 3(I think it's the latest hockey movie), it was cool. The majority of the chiefs used XXV gloves, One 90/Vapor XXXX sticks. Except for the one dude who "Had" to have an S17(I remember it well). If you see Den Brothers, I couldn't even tell what kind of gloves the guy was wearing. His stick was covered up with a checker pattern. And his skates were lame. (One 30's).

Alex say's to Riley. "You gotta get me an Easton Pro stick. I'll be like Harry Potter and his Nimbus 2000. Unstoppable."

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I did not and most certainly won't. Saw the trailer on CBC over the weekend while watching the Habs game at a friend's place. Nearly puked. Were my eyes playing tricks on me or did I see Theo Fleury making an appearance in it?

Edit: Re-read a few posts and found my answer back on the first page. Should make it an habit of reading a few posts back before posting...

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Haha unfortunately no.....and I luckily haven't seen it. However, it has been out in theatres. Some kids at school who I'm "semi-friends" with were like...

"Hey man, since it's your birthday let's go see that new hockey movie!" (Birthday's 20th/Movie 22nd)

"No, that's cool guys, thanks anyways."

"Well we gotta do something, and you love hockey!"

"No, can't we go see PA2?"

"Nah, it's your birthday let's go see.."

"No. I'm good, thanks. Just don't wanna see that..."

It just went on.

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You should have told them ok, lets go see it. After they paid your admission, your popcorn and drink, you sit through the trailers then say you need to go take a piss. Get up, take your popcorn and drink with you and go home lol

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  On 11/10/2010 at 1:39 PM, hamstercaster said:

You should have told them ok, lets go see it. After they paid your admission, your popcorn and drink, you sit through the trailers then say you need to go take a piss. Get up, take your popcorn and drink with you and go see PA2

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Fixed ahah

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  On 11/10/2010 at 1:39 PM, hamstercaster said:

You should have told them ok, lets go see it. After they paid your admission, your popcorn and drink, you sit through the trailers then say you need to go take a piss. Get up, take your popcorn and drink with you and go home lol

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Haha would they not notice taking my popcorn? And I usually smuggle food in, last movie I saw(Kickass, now there's a movie), I had some big mac and chicken nugget action going. :tongue: . . Well, I also managed to see that there is an Itunes album for it already. :dry: And..whattya know, it's actually doing well....crap in a bucket.

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so for all the ppl who just want to see good hockey in a movie what is the movie with the best hockey in it?

and for the record i do not want to see a hockey musical

hell i never even heard about it till i checked this part of the forum lol

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  On 11/30/2010 at 8:48 PM, All Flash said:

so for all the ppl who just want to see good hockey in a movie what is the movie with the best hockey in it?

and for the record i do not want to see a hockey musical

hell i never even heard about it till i checked this part of the forum lol

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Well obviously the Mighty Ducks movies are awesome hockey movies. Slap Shot, Miracle come to mind as well.

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