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The quest for longer pants

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Being a newb to the sport and gradually getting around to purchasing the necessary gear, I found myself with some time on my hands. Thankfully I was nearby the LHS (Hockey X-Sport, Oakland, CA) and decided to stop by and try on some gear. From what I've learned from people on this forum is that nothing beats trying gear on first-hand.

Being tall (6'9") is nice, but not when you're shopping for clothes or hockey pants. I'm between a L and XL waist so I decided to try on multiple brands in size L and hold onto the pair that fit best, then to move on and try on the XL's and see what measurable differences I could find in fit and coverage. In the L's, I tried on several that were too short: Tackla, Warrior, CCM, Reebok. Even the long One75's weren't any longer than most of the standard offerings from other companies. Surprisingly the longest L's were a pair of Easton Synergy S19's. They were about 1/4" longer than the long Bauer's.

Moving on to the XL's, there wasn't any noticeable winner from this group versus the S19's. But then, I came across a pair of Easton S13's in the long model. I was like Goldilocks...these were just right. These extended nearly 2" lower on my leg than the S19's. How do I know? I've got red pen marks on my leg with showing the length of the pants on my skin. Going up in size with the S13's also felt a bit better as there was a bit more freedom of movement with the pants. Now I know what pants to add to my birthday list for the wife (she'll be happy to know I didn't buy all the protective gear I tried on - pants, shins, elbow, etc.).

Amazing what a little research and some spare time will do. Had I not tried on 10+ pairs of pants I never would have settled on the S13's. Hopefully this will be useful for other tall guys out there.

-Thanks, Todd

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FWIW, Warrior offers a "long" option on their pants. Really glad you found a pair that you're happy with though. Scares me to think of what size shins you must wear!

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Trust me, I tried on about 8 different pairs of 17" and 18" models. The 18" One95's worked best.

wow youre like Zdeno Chara!

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They do, but his LHS probably didn't have any of those options. He did what was right, went and tried stuff on and found something that worked! And all without posting a "Which are the longest pants?" thread. Props sir.

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Some of it's personal preference, but that sounds about right. What really matters is that there isn't any gap in coverage between the top of your shin pad and the hem of your pants.

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The guys at Xsport are awesome, I hope you bought a membership to save the 10% and got your awesome free t-shirt(wearing mine right now). They say that the match internet prices but from what I have seen they sometimes come out cheaper because you do not have to pay for shipping and save 10% with the membership.

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I'm 6'3" with a 31" inch waist. Always had a lot of trouble finding pants that fit. Currently wearing size large CCM V06 pants but they are too big in the waist. Lenght is good.

Should I be looking at Tackla longs in size medium?

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Also, the 2010 Reebok 9k pants have a feature to make them 1" taller. There is a zipper that goes all the way around the waist that you unzip and the legs stretch longer. XL is a nice fit for me at 6'1", 230#.

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I tried on a pair of 11k XL pants and the +1" wasn't as significant as I would have hoped for.

Tackla is the way to go with longer pants. You will still have a snug fit in the waist and still get the length.

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I agree with the Tackla suggestion. I'm 6 ft 4 and I have a pair of Tackla 2440's in long. They fit perfect.

I've seen that the length is supposedly between +1.75 and +2 inches. I believe the 5000 & 9000 models are also offered in long, but I found them way too heavy/protective/costly for men's league hockey

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I'm 6'5" 210 and wear Jofa MHP7000 in XL+2, RBK still makes them.

They are really long but I think L size would have probably fit a little better at the waist. Locally, I've never been able to try on other Tall pants. LHS don't stock them.

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How would those Tackla 951 pants compare to the Bauer one75 or Easton S13 pants as far as durability, fit ,and weight ?

probably better in every regard. Tackla makes the best pants out there IMO

I wear the 9000z model and the older Graf pants which are similar to the Tacklas in fit.

Mine are bulletproof, yet light.

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I have the One75 talls. Nice pant but it is only +1. Wish it was longer. I'm debating on buying some S13's online(No LHS has them) and see if they are any longer or spend a bunch more on one of the +2 Tacklas.

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Just received a pair of Tackla 951 long (+2) pants today . Wow they fit great! I'm replacing a pair of Bauer one75 talls in mediums. These pants give you an extra inch over the Bauer talls which is the extra I needed. I'm 6'4 195 lbs (tall & thin) and I got a size 50. The fit is perfect ! They fit nice and snug in the waist. You have to give a little tug to get them over your waist so you know they're not gonna fall off of you. They also fit just a little baggier in the ass compared to the Bauers which I like . The Bauers give you more of a slender look compared to the Tacklas. If you tall guys are looking for pants these are it. Just have to pay a little more for them.

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Just received a pair of Tackla 951 long (+2) pants today . Wow they fit great! I'm replacing a pair of Bauer one75 talls in mediums. These pants give you an extra inch over the Bauer talls which is the extra I needed. I'm 6'4 195 lbs (tall & thin) and I got a size 50. The fit is perfect ! They fit nice and snug in the waist. You have to give a little tug to get them over your waist so you know they're not gonna fall off of you. They also fit just a little baggier in the ass compared to the Bauers which I like . The Bauers give you more of a slender look compared to the Tacklas. If you tall guys are looking for pants these are it. Just have to pay a little more for them.

Nice pickup and that's exactly how they're supposed to fit. At your size I would have thought that you'd need 52, apparently not.

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I ended up getting a pair of +2 length Tackla 9000's. These were longer than the Easton's I tried and was finally happy to see these in the shop to compare side by side. The size 54's were just a tad wider than I wanted, but it was pretty easy to get these to fit snug.

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