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Reordering custom bauer skates

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Hello all,

I searched high and low for this subject and no luck.

After a good 4 years of service my prostock/custom Vapor XXX's are on their last legs (no more support). I'm now leaning towards ordering custom Graf G35's (stock isn't stiff enough for my taste). However, I'd like to know that I have options.

Since I can still see the customer number on my XXX's I was wondering if I just asked Bauer (going through a dealer of course) to make me a custom X60/TotalOne, would it pretty much be built to the same specs as my XXX's. In addition, what exactly does that code tell the factory at Bauer? Does it let them know, how stiff my previous order was, or what options I had (tongue, holder, ankle pads)?

Thanks in advance,


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There are others on here that probably know about the codes, but regardless of what they mean I'd highly recommend going to a good LHS with a lot of selection and just trying on all the latest models of skates. You may just find one fits your feet well enough that you don't have to worry about customs at all. If you do still feel you need customs after that you might as well get your feet freshly measured in case there have been any changes to them over the past few years. Plus, even if you do know what the codes mean I dont' think you'll be able to order customs direct and will have to go through a LHS anyway.

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There are others on here that probably know about the codes, but regardless of what they mean I'd highly recommend going to a good LHS with a lot of selection and just trying on all the latest models of skates. You may just find one fits your feet well enough that you don't have to worry about customs at all. If you do still feel you need customs after that you might as well get your feet freshly measured in case there have been any changes to them over the past few years. Plus, even if you do know what the codes mean I dont' think you'll be able to order customs direct and will have to go through a LHS anyway.

He may want a stiffer boot than retail, double stitching, etc so custom would be the only route to get that stuff

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Hello all,

I searched high and low for this subject and no luck.

After a good 4 years of service my prostock/custom Vapor XXX's are on their last legs (no more support). I'm now leaning towards ordering custom Graf G35's (stock isn't stiff enough for my taste). However, I'd like to know that I have options.

Since I can still see the customer number on my XXX's I was wondering if I just asked Bauer (going through a dealer of course) to make me a custom X60/TotalOne, would it pretty much be built to the same specs as my XXX's. In addition, what exactly does that code tell the factory at Bauer? Does it let them know, how stiff my previous order was, or what options I had (tongue, holder, ankle pads)?

Thanks in advance,


yes - your ticket number will tell them what you had previously. If you submit a new set of traces or measurements, they will add a .1 to the number.

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What ^ said.

The key is that after 4 years, your feet most likely have changed a little...enough to make a difference. A new drawing and a reference to your old Bauer code and you're set.

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how long does it take to get custom bauers?

Ordered custom total one's in early june by sending a custom orthotic footbed with sketches and other info. Just got them today (in fact just got back from LHS). Box was stamped JUL 29 as production date.

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Length of time really depends on the time of year. I got mine during the Stanley Cup playoffs. Were at my house in 3 weeks! Usually the wait time is about 6 weeks.

Cost for TOs...$900 US per pair.

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I'm curious: does the measuring process only measures basic dimensions of a foot (length, forefoot/heel width) or it also takes into account irregularities such as ankle bones sticking out, height of the heel, size of the ankles, thickness of the foot etc?

there seems to be quite a bit of mistery surrounding this thing...

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Mine were $880 so I guess the ballpark for these is $900. LHS spent a lot of time with me and on the phone with Bauer's custom dept so I dont mind paying for that service.

I would think that they take into account all irregularities. As the LHS explained my issues (mostly a foot with little or no arch so completely flat) theybtokdbhik what to put on the order sheet.

Beat thing would be to go to an LHS that has experience with Bauer custom dept and ask questions. When I found one whose answers made sense, that's when ingot down to ordering. Went to 2 stores prior who were clueless.

Good luck

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Mine were $880 so I guess the ballpark for these is $900. LHS spent a lot of time with me and on the phone with Bauer's custom dept so I dont mind paying for that service.

I would think that they take into account all irregularities. As the LHS explained my issues (mostly a foot with little or no arch so completely flat) theybtokdbhik what to put on the order sheet.

Beat thing would be to go to an LHS that has experience with Bauer custom dept and ask questions. When I found one whose answers made sense, that's when ingot down to ordering. Went to 2 stores prior who were clueless.

Good luck

Seems like a small premium to pay for a skate that will fit much better, and likely last longer than the retail skate. Is custom usually only available in the highest end skate?

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I also hear that when getting a custom, you can chose desired stiffness, as well as custom tongue

what other choices are available? is there something online that describes the choices you can have if you get a custom skate?

this is something I'm considering for my next pair

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I also hear that when getting a custom, you can chose desired stiffness, as well as custom tongue

what other choices are available? is there something online that describes the choices you can have if you get a custom skate?

this is something I'm considering for my next pair

I'm going through the process myself, and personally find this topic surrounded by mistery - even local shops aren't very proficient in customs & there's nothing really published out there.

search helps though - for instance in terms of options here's a good post:


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Thanks for all the help guys.

A good point was brought up about feet changing over time. If i'm plunking down that much for a skate, why not take the extra time to sort out any extra details.

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That list is a good one. For me, one of the big things was that my feet are very flat. I have almost no arch and the arch was killing me especially coming up from the bottom of the skate. Bauer was able to build out the sole of the skate and take out the arch. No more pain!!! Really nice feature.

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