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Tackla 951 pants

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Was wondering if anybody has these pants. Are they light , are they bulky ? Is there any place other than the HockeyShop in B.C. Canada to get these ? I'm sure shipping would be crazy !

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Was wondering if anybody has these pants. Are they light , are they bulky ? Is there any place other than the HockeyShop in B.C. Canada to get these ? I'm sure shipping would be crazy !

I have a pair. Love them. There was a break in period in terms of the padding for me - it seemed like there was a gap where if I fell on my hip just so, I would still feel it. No, I have no such problems (or maybe I've just mastered falling on my duff). I think they're perfect for beer league (have taken shots off them with no problem and haven't had any problems with "incidental" collisions).

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I have had these pants for the last 3 years and they're pretty good. More protection than I need and surprisingly durable at a decent price. Not bulky at all, at least not anymore (can't remember if they felt bulkier when they were still new). Plus they were the longest pants I could get at the time.

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One other question. Do these pants have segments in the legs to help conform to your legs ?

I'm pretty sure that all Tackla pants have 2-piece thigh-guards if that's you meant.

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Can't say enough about Tackla hockey pants. The 951's are an excellent pant providing very good protection,flexibility,ventilation and comfort. I would wear these anywhere up to the semi-pro level or minor contact hockey. Their durability is very good as well. Be aware however you'll need to adjust to the different fit if you switch over from a North American designed hockey pant.

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I had these pants for 5 years before padding was getting loose and stitching falling out but it was worth the money. The only thing that i had to complain about is also falling on your ass issues lol as they hurt like a bitch most the time because of the gap that joe was talking bout..

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IMO the best set of hockey pants money can buy, ive had numerous sets over the years, and only got new ones cause i grew out of them

they're great!

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I had these pants for 5 years before padding was getting loose and stitching falling out but it was worth the money. The only thing that i had to complain about is also falling on your ass issues lol as they hurt like a bitch most the time because of the gap that joe was talking bout..

I have these too. I wear them in a couple beer leagues and they have held up great playing 2-3 times a weekfor 5 years. I have no plans on replacing them anytime soon

I did get slewfooted a couple weeks ago and went down straight on my tailbone. As a result I have a pretty bad bone bruise that's taking forever to heal up. I don't think any pant would provide protection in that area so I doubt it's the pants fault.

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