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Standard Blades andTapered Shaft

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I know that this is a frequently discussed topic, but is there any possible way to make a standard blade fit into a tapered shaft? I have a couple crosby pro stock axion 1050 blades and I want to fit it into an SE16 shaft, is there any way to do that (cutting it down etc)?

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I know that this is a frequently discussed topic, but is there any possible way to make a standard blade fit into a tapered shaft? I have a couple crosby pro stock axion 1050 blades and I want to fit it into an SE16 shaft, is there any way to do that (cutting it down etc)?

Unless their wooden blades, no chance of getting it into the tapered end. Even if they were would I wouldn't modify the tenon.

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Two options.

First one: Put it in the top/handle end. But since you're flipping the shaft, your top hand will likely end up on the tapered area of the shaft. It also effectively changes the way your stick flexes/kicks since the low kickpoint is now much higher. I personally don't mind it because I like contoured and thinner handles and higher kickpoints.

Second option: Cut up high enough from the bottom end of the stick to the area where the taper becomes the standard shaft shape. However, you will likely lose A LOT of length and have to use a very long extension.

Shaving down the tenon of the blade to fit into a tapered shaft should not be an option because it severely weakens the blade.

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Shaving down the tenon of the blade to fit into a tapered shaft should not be an option because it severely weakens the blade.

I second that! I learned that the hard way...lost two perfectly good standard blades pulling that stint.

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You can do it without killing the blade. I have a buddy that did it, used an electric sander and finished it with clearcoat over it. It fit the tapered shaft perfectly and he blew up the shaft before the blade went. Dude has a crazy hard slapshot too. I wouldn't recommend it but it can be done if you do it right.

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You can do it without killing the blade. I have a buddy that did it, used an electric sander and finished it with clearcoat over it. It fit the tapered shaft perfectly and he blew up the shaft before the blade went. Dude has a crazy hard slapshot too. I wouldn't recommend it but it can be done if you do it right.

Your buddy sand down a composite tenon?

My two blades were ABS with a wood tenon. I used sandpaper to sand down the tenon to fit the tapered shaft, took a few shots on my first shift and it broke at the tenon.

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Your buddy sand down a composite tenon?

My two blades were ABS with a wood tenon. I used sandpaper to sand down the tenon to fit the tapered shaft, took a few shots on my first shift and it broke at the tenon.

I assumed it didn't need to be said but it was a wood tenon.

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A little OT, but where did you pick up the blades? I've been search for some for a bit...

What kind of blade are you searching for? Most hockey stores sell replacement blades.

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What kind of blade are you searching for? Most hockey stores sell replacement blades.

Yeah, Crosby's pro pattern. Its extremely straight (very little curve) and short. Can't find any retail pattern like it.

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Yeah, Crosby's pro pattern. Its extremely straight (very little curve) and short. Can't find any retail pattern like it.

Ian White's pro pattern is very straight so you might want to keep an eye out for those. As for a retail pattern, the Zetterberg/PM9 is probably the pattern closest to what you're looking for. Good luck.

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A guy I know sold four to me for around $70, brand new axion blades. Never seen anything that close to the curve and it's awesome, but I love it because I loved easton's forsberg pattern which is pretty straight I guess. I would post a picture, but don't know how to...

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Ian White's pro pattern is very straight so you might want to keep an eye out for those. As for a retail pattern, the Zetterberg/PM9 is probably the pattern closest to what you're looking for. Good luck.

If he's RH. If he shoots the wrong way he could check out Larionov or Holmstrom sticks.

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From the pics I've seen it's pretty damn flat. Not sure how the lies compare but Larionov has a virtually flat curve as well. I think Holmstrom uses the same pattern, but at the very least his is similar to Larionov's.

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From the pics I've seen it's pretty damn flat. Not sure how the lies compare but Larionov has a virtually flat curve as well. I think Holmstrom uses the same pattern, but at the very least his is similar to Larionov's.

Crosby's blade barely curves at the heel and the rest is just completely flat with a slight openness that still allows for levitation

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Crosby's blade barely curves at the heel and the rest is just completely flat with a slight openness that still allows for levitation

Did you mean elevation? Or is the stick magic? :laugh: What about the Lindros? It kinda sounds like that.

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It has a super low lie too. Craig Adams(RH) also has a rather small curve but don't buy one of his used sticks he torches the hell out of them.

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Did you mean elevation? Or is the stick magic? :laugh: What about the Lindros? It kinda sounds like that.

Lindros pro? Compared to the Crosby it has a lot of curve on its heel. If it weren't so open I'd say one of the Letang variants out there.

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