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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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I dont see that as a slur or as mocking. Almost everyone at some point has said something to the effect of "blow me". Wisinewski just stepped it up with the gesture. IMO, no different than flipping the bird instead of saying "f you".

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  On 10/15/2010 at 9:09 AM, n3ss said:

I dont see that as a slur or as mocking. Almost everyone at some point has said something to the effect of "blow me". Wisinewski just stepped it up with the gesture. IMO, no different than flipping the bird instead of saying "f you".

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There is a definite semantic difference. Although the impudent digit does technically mean "stick this up yourself, mate," its use is so commonplace that the actual sexual meaning is basically gone, the same way that people say "f___ you" without actually meaning anything other than some unspecified degree of insult, rather than suggesting any specific obscene action. "Blow me" is reaching that level of quotidian vacancy of specific meaning.

On the other hand (groan), grotesquely miming a sex act is much more obscene precisely because it does suggest something specific. Consider the difference between a plain old flip of the bird, and somebody repeatedly ramming their extended middle finger into a closed fist; one is vaguely obscene, the other explicitly so.

Similarly, there's an acknowledged difference between a choke gesture and a throat-slash gesture. Both can imply "I'm a-gunne kill ye," but one suggests a manner of death that could be accidental, or in other words a simple failure of action (eg. "you're a choker," "you choked"), and the other is undeniably aggressive.

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what a dirt bag. does it right as all the officials are focusing elsewhere. you can hear the impact of the stick hitting him in that clip.

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I'm ashamed that Avery is a Ranger. Hell, I'm ashamed half the team are Rangers but he's just a piece of work.

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  On 10/16/2010 at 3:51 AM, mug25 said:

I'm ashamed that Avery is a Ranger. Hell, I'm ashamed half the team are Rangers but he's just a piece of work.

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Half the team is ashamed he is part of the team.

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i hope he gets a few games or maybe some more counseling

but i also noticed he hit him in the shin pad (which was why it was so loud) - so does he still get suspended when he is chopping him in a well protected area?

i thought it was funny that after getting chopped the 2nd time komisarek turns and looks up for a ref almost like he is faking it hurting

i probably sound like i am defending avery but im really not - i just think their may have been a little bit of acting involved on komisarek's part

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Wow, just watching the highlights and what the hell is wrong with Cooke and Avery. Avery was someone classy not throwing punches to Armstrong the Head Hunter who refused to drop the gloves after he injured Gaborik. But what the hell was he thinking using his stick like an axe on Komisarek?

What about Matt Cooke who ran Dipietro all night it seems with no one from the Islanders setting him straight, at least as per the highlights I saw today.

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  On 10/16/2010 at 4:24 PM, hamstercaster said:

What about Matt Cooke who ran Dipietro all night it seems with no one from the Islanders setting him straight, at least as per the highlights I saw today.

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I'm no Cooke fan, but he didn't "run" DiPietro. He was annoying the shit out of him and got called twice, once legit, the other helped by DiPietro. It worked, as the OT goal was partly the result of DiPietro getting distracted by the man in front when he should have been focused on the puck.

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  On 10/16/2010 at 9:26 PM, Trooper said:

I'm no Cooke fan, but he didn't "run" DiPietro. He was annoying the shit out of him and got called twice, once legit, the other helped by DiPietro. It worked, as the OT goal was partly the result of DiPietro getting distracted by the man in front when he should have been focused on the puck.

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I dunno about that. He laid a nice check on DiPi at one point. Only problem is hes a goalie......

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Can someone just two hand that phuck Cook in the back of the knees and get it over with already?

God I want to see another "Kaning" of that puke.

Really wish the NHL would grow a pair.

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  On 10/18/2010 at 4:19 AM, ponty said:

Can someone just two hand that phuck Cook in the back of the knees and get it over with already?

God I want to see another "Kaning" of that puke.

Really wish the NHL would grow a pair.

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They would probably suspend the person that actually did something about his antics. You can tell what type of player Colin Campbell was when he played by the amount of stuff he lets slide with certain guys.

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  On 10/18/2010 at 4:19 AM, ponty said:

Can someone just two hand that phuck Cook in the back of the knees and get it over with already?

God I want to see another "Kaning" of that puke.

Really wish the NHL would grow a pair.

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It's only a matter of time before someone end's Cooke's career. He's a piece of garbage.

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  On 10/18/2010 at 7:49 PM, Chadd said:

They would probably suspend the person that actually did something about his antics. You can tell what type of player Colin Campbell was when he played by the amount of stuff he lets slide with certain guys.

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i don't think they'd suspend the player if it was a name guy that took him. I think M. Richards would be a solid candidate, he's got the edge and seems to be pretty immune to suspension.

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As much as I would love to see Richards lay out Cooke...I think he himself is teetering on the line of suspension and not.

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  On 10/19/2010 at 6:26 PM, EBondo said:

As much as I would love to see Richards lay out Cooke...I think he himself is teetering on the line of suspension and not.

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Why not? Just insert Richards name in place of Pronger in that flow chart and you're good for the next decade.

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  On 10/20/2010 at 2:02 AM, Chadd said:

Why not? Just insert Richards name in place of Pronger in that flow chart and you're good for the next decade.

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Ah, right you are, Chadd. Ha.


All I can say after that one is I thought we learned from Tie Domi?



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