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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ccm stick promo coming up

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I was in the hockey monkey store in santa ana the other day, and their CCM rep happened to be in. Apparently around the middle of november through december, when you buy a v100, v110 , v120 or v130 you'll get a free pair of gloves. He said they were basicly 652's, but nylon and with plastic inserts. just thought i'd pass that along.

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I also thought I heard him say something about the gloves sporting some sort of vector logo, but I'm not sure. either way, It might make dropping $200 on a stick a bit easier.

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Nylon gloves are on the move, CCM, Bauer, whats next, easton? Nah, not flashy enough, chrome gloves from easton, 2Q 2005

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I bet a major contributor to the increase in nylon glove sales is MSH. I hope TPS will release nylon gloves stock

I doubt the MSH community is that major of an influence in the decision. And TPS does make a retail nylon HGT

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I think you just might be surprised.

We have some big influence-makers who participate/roam our board.

I personally have lent my influence on certain products.

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JR, I thought you previously said the Vector gloves are going to be "terribly overpriced"...will these free gloves be the "terribly overpriced" gloves? or will they be a lower end, like a 452 or something?

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JR, I thought you previously said the Vector gloves are going to be "terribly overpriced"...will these free gloves be the "terribly overpriced" gloves? or will they be a lower end, like a 452 or something?

The rep said they were 652's with nylon and plastic inserts, I would imagine they would probably retail in the $60-$80 range. Of course if they come out with a "Vector Pro" glove it very well could be over priced, like the 130 :) .

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Assuming the Vector line is totally redone(I hate the huge back rolls on the Tacks gloves), I might pick up a pair. CCM is winning my over with their sticks and skates.

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anyone know when this promotion starts? I was gonna buy a CCM OPS soon.

CCM is going to make the announcement next week.

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anyone know when this promotion starts?  I was gonna buy a CCM OPS soon.

CCM is going to make the announcement next week.

When the ccm rep was in the store, he said it would be the 15th.

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