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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S19 helmt or S17 helmt?

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The one that fits your head the best.

The 19 either fits or it doesn't, make sure you try it before deciding to buy it.

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The one that fits your head the best.

what if they both fit?

S17 depending on the adjustment.

S19 on the size, they both fit well.

How about in terms of protection and air vent?

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The S19 helmet is the first non-VN helmet I've ever liked and I REALLY like it. In fact it's the first EPP helmet that I haven't absolutely hated.

After installing a sweat band, it's the coolest and most comfortable helmet I've ever used... by far.

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S19 is the first bucket I have slapped on that fit like my bike helmet. Love the fit, lack of mass,and padding.

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s19 is great. Very light, very comfortable. Careful if you're putting on a visor or cage as the weight may tip the helmet forward. To Combat that you're going to have to tighten the baseball cap-like adjustments strap in the helmet.

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Can't say enough good things about the S19. With an UA mesh skull cap, it's the most comfortable helmet I have ever used. Protection is superb.

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Was wondering if any of you know how does the s13/17 fit in comparison to the s9. My s9 got stolen recently and was looking to replace it with another one but I noticed the s17 was only $10 more, which is similarly priced to the s13. Other than the fact they're both EPP, are there any major differences compared to the s9 in fit?

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