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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer one 95 stick

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Gunzo's in River Forest, IL had quite a few last time I was there as well. They would definitely ship if they have the flex/pattern you were looking for.

Does Gunzo's ever reduce their prices on outdated sticks? Seems like they use the MSRP for years on after.

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Does Gunzo's ever reduce their prices on outdated sticks? Seems like they use the MSRP for years on after.

Agreed. However, I think they know that they'll eventually sell their stock at that price, seeing as initially it may deter people, but they'll later come back when they're the only ones that have them still.

I paid $89 for a Cyclone graphite from them a little over a year ago. The Cyclones haven't been made in 5+ years.

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Does Gunzo's ever reduce their prices on outdated sticks? Seems like they use the MSRP for years on after.

I asked and they said they don't because they know someone will come in and eventually purchase it.

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Agreed. However, I think they know that they'll eventually sell their stock at that price, seeing as initially it may deter people, but they'll later come back when they're the only ones that have them still.

I paid $89 for a Cyclone graphite from them a little over a year ago. The Cyclones haven't been made in 5+ years.

Had the same thing happen at my LHS, had a mess of Easton synthesis shafts one day. They sold quite well if I remember some guy walked out with 3.

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I asked and they said they don't because they know someone will come in and eventually purchase it.

Their website isn't the best in comparison to the larger online retailers, they do mark some older sticks down at the store just not sure if they update the pricing online to that level of detail. The One95 however is not marked down at all at the store either.

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TSR hockey in salem, nh had a handfull the last time i was in there. they'd probably ship them to you if need be

I heard they got another shipment of about 200 pro stocks recently, mostly One95's.

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Those sticks are complete opposites. The one95 is a mid kick with softer blade feel and the 10k is a very low kick with pingy blade feel. The 10k is easy to find and on closeout though.if you dona mind low kicks go for a 10k, just know that it wont be similar to a one95

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