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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things LHS Do

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Very easy to adjust the diamond for 1/32, I do it all the time. Also have a nice machinist radius gauge set that can measure in 32's quite precisely to ensure the hollow is in correctly.. I could prob do 64's but haven't had anyone ask me to do it, but if they did, I'd give it a whirl.

Some skaters cannot tell differences in close settings, but some can. It doesn't take me any more time to give them what they want, so what's the big deal. Yes, I know some shops have "house" cuts or only offer 2 or 3 choices because they don't want to have to mess with options for their customers, or want to be able to get back to their texting or video game, that's fine. If customers can't get what they want there, they'll seek out someone who can.

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Well, I still dont think on many machines you'd be able to reliably be that precise. When you look at the diamond quill, its only broken down into eighth inch increments and those arent real big. If you can break down that eighth into four perfectly precise pieces without any lines to help you out, more power to you. I still think that without any lines in such a small section that getting that perfect 32nd of an inch line right on (remember, being of a 64th of an inch makes it not precise any longer) is a pretty tall task. Maybe your machine is more precise, but I dont think the majority of shops would be able to get close to that precision.


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One of the guys on my team needed to get new rivets in his skates and I offered to take them over, as I had the last couple days off. The manager of the shop decided to lecture me because there were "too many" copper rivets and that it was bad for the skate. Because when you removed the copper rivets, it would damage the holder. These were ten year old skates, still with the original Tuuks on them. As much as I wanted to point him in the direction of a couple topics here I let it slide. Other than asking him why I would be removing ten year old Tuuks if they weren't broken anyway. He just glared at me after I said that.

Then he asked me when I wanted to pick them up, I said some time this afternoon would be nice (this was at 1:30 or so). "Well, what time this afternoon?" as he rolled his eyes and huffed. Knowing how long it would take, I told him that by 4PM would be nice, so he rolled his eyes and huffed again.

When I came back to pick them up, he was yelling at one of his vendors/reps on the phone, then went into the POS system and edited the price of the rivets when he rang me up.

It is the last time I will give him any money.

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The other day I stopped by my LHS to get my skates sharpened. After they were finished I went up to pay, and was told: "on the house". I'm a regular customer, but don't expect any special treatment. I thought that was really nice of them.

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I stopped in to get my skates done on a friday night before my game and the only person in the shop was the owners son I didn't really think anything of it the owner does an okay job. I step out on to the ice and everything seemed fine. I had a game the next night during warm ups I could tell something was off but what can you do I had no inside edge on either of my skates. I brought them back that monday and the assistant manager was in and I told him what happened and he fixed them free of charge telling me never to let the owners son do my skates again and id be better off skating on dull skates.

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My daughter was at her squirt state tournament and we noticed she had a missing rivet. It was a skeleton crew at the in-house lhs at the rink (especially since it was a youth tourney) and the guy at the counter didn't know how to set rivets, so he let me do it and gave me the rivet on the house. :)

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Local hockey shop punched toe area on my grafs. No charge. Same shop replaced lace lock on my vector pros also no charge. Good luck getting that on the net. We are fortunate with the large number of shops in twin cities. They work hard to keep you coming back. Also lots of experienced hockey people in this area to provide service. Good to be loyal to a shop it pays when you need something fixed in a hurry on the way to an over 50 tourney.

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I aree MN. The same shop has also replaced a rusted chin strap snap and punched out Grafs that weren't bought there. Both for free with a smile.

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I was getting my skates sharpened every two skates because I kept loosing my inside edge. As per a teammate I went to a different local hockey shop to get the skates sharpened. When I brought them in I figured I would just wait the 5 or 10 mins providing he had no one else in line. As it turned out he discovered that one of my skates steal was bent not sure if that was why I was loosing an edge so quickly, but he told me he wouldn't even want to sharpen them in the state they where in without fixing them first. I ended up leaving them over night looks like he realigned the holder to straighten out the steel. I also received a better sharpening then I was getting. Needless to say I will be going back to this shop for more sharpening.

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