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Tossed out of game as spectator

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While attending my son's Peewee hockey game, the game got a little bit chippy. The crowd got a little bit restless and there where a few catcalls from both sides. One of the Ref's was clearly off his game and was completely effected by the noise. There was a Gentlemen in front of me and one Directly behind me that shared in the majority of the relative harmless "oh common" type stuff. Not overly egregious from my standpoint. With about 10 min to go in the third, the man behind me yelled something and the Ref skated over pointed at me and said" I have had enough, you are out!" I turned around and he yelled, "NO, You, You need to go!" Instead of making a scene, I put on my gloves and walked redfaced out. I did feel better after walking within earshot of Mr.Sensitive and muttered, "you missed that one too!" Needless to say I am taking quite a lot of heat these days and watching games from a distance!!!

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A. It was a Peewee hockey game, not Game 7, Cup Finals.

B. As a former referee and all the refs here will tell you, if you think you can do a better job, take the test and put on a striped shirt. USA Hockey and Hockey Canada are always looking for more referees every year. Until then, it is easy to watch a game and chirp a ref. Referee a few games and then get back to us.

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A. It was a Peewee hockey game, not Game 7, Cup Finals.

B. As a former referee and all the refs here will tell you, if you think you can do a better job, take the test and put on a striped shirt. USA Hockey and Hockey Canada are always looking for more referees every year. Until then, it is easy to watch a game and chirp a ref. Referee a few games and then get back to us.

I thought his point was that he got thrown out for something someone else hollered.

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A. It was a Peewee hockey game, not Game 7, Cup Finals.

B. As a former referee and all the refs here will tell you, if you think you can do a better job, take the test and put on a striped shirt. USA Hockey and Hockey Canada are always looking for more referees every year. Until then, it is easy to watch a game and chirp a ref. Referee a few games and then get back to us.

I've reffed several youth roller hockey games (rules are the same as my beer league now, except no offsides) and it was the biggest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with. Sure I was a lousy ref, I had only done it a few times, and only because the regluar refs were out sick, but damn that was rough. I can definitely see how a ref could mistake you for the guy behind you so to speak, and I can also see how the noise and BS can affect someone's concentration when he already has 11 players and 2 benches to deal with. I'll most likely never ref again because It's not for me.

I've never seen a ref boot anyone from an audience, that's usually taken care of by the rink staff in my experience, but its no big deal. Flipping him off behind his back may make some people feel better but it sets a shitty example for the peewees. Refs don't have eyes in the back of their heads, but after you left, and the same voice kept sounding off he should have realized he was wrong and booted the other person(people) too.

Just my 2 cents.

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I've reffed several youth roller hockey games (rules are the same as my beer league now, except no offsides) and it was the biggest pain in the ass I've ever had to deal with. Sure I was a lousy ref, I had only done it a few times, and only because the regluar refs were out sick, but damn that was rough. I can definitely see how a ref could mistake you for the guy behind you so to speak, and I can also see how the noise and BS can affect someone's concentration when he already has 11 players and 2 benches to deal with. I'll most likely never ref again because It's not for me.

I've never seen a ref boot anyone from an audience, that's usually taken care of by the rink staff in my experience, but its no big deal. Flipping him off behind his back may make some people feel better but it sets a shitty example for the peewees. Refs don't have eyes in the back of their heads, but after you left, and the same voice kept sounding off he should have realized he was wrong and booted the other person(people) too.

Just my 2 cents.

Sounds like the stories I've heard about Little League parents. Seems like they oughta have rink staff talk to folks that get out of hand.

Unless the offenders stopped, after realizing the ref would eject people. Maybe he could have gone over to warn them, first? That could have given bros29gladiators a chance to move away from the offenders, hopefully avoiding another mistake.

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I thought he did a good job. He didnt yell anything, but yet got tossed for it. He could have flipped out on the ref saying how it wasnt him, but insted he quietly left the scene. Saying something under his breath is perfectly fine, since only a couple people would have heard it. I also ref, so i can completly understand the refs misunderstanding. If i happened to make that mistake, i would hope it would be treated the same way as it was. In my books i think you did a fine job, and should have nothing to worry about.

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I thought his point was that he got thrown out for something someone else hollered.

He did chirp the ref "after walking within earshot of Mr. Sensitive and muttering "You missed that one too.""

see Point A.

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You're better than I. I would have made a scene.

No way should a ref be tossing a spectator unless he knows 100% for sure who is causing trouble.

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A. It was a Peewee hockey game, not Game 7, Cup Finals.

B. As a former referee and all the refs here will tell you, if you think you can do a better job, take the test and put on a striped shirt. USA Hockey and Hockey Canada are always looking for more referees every year. Until then, it is easy to watch a game and chirp a ref. Referee a few games and then get back to us.

I think you mis-read the post. In fact as it was happening I was talking to a mother from the Bantam team and never said I could do a better job. In like every other job, you have good days and bad. He would not have known I was there if not for incorrectly pointing at me!

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I understand. It is actually too bad the other 2 dads ruined things for you and probably everyone else around them. Let the kids play the game. The refs aren't perfect, the coaches aren't perfect, and the kids aren't perfect.

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I love going to my cousins peewee games and observing the parents. It's entertaining to say the least to tell parents to shut the hell up and just watch the damn game

What kind of reaction do you get when you say that?

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I second that Chadd. My first year of organized hockey my dad shouted at me as play was moving up-ice, instinctively I looked up at him and sure enough there was a turnover and I got walked. After the game I told him to never talk to me while I'm on the ice and he hasn't.

I was getting chirped by parents for purported missed calls, and penalties I did call while reffing Mite in-house. Parents are idiots.

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Youth hockey would be so much better if parents weren't allowed in the building at all.

+1. i reffed my first game today and oh my god. They are all like "ref this" "ref that" and just need to shut up.

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At least for practices our travel organization doesn't let parents inside the rink. They can watch practice through the glass in the lobby. A lot of coaches wish parents would stay out of the building, too. Drive your kid to the rink and leave!

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I think this may be universal.


When I was a kid it really wasn't a problem. The parents all seemed to know that their kids weren't going to make a living playing sports and accepted it. Unfortunately, I don't see our society getting back to that for a while.

Parents are a big reason why I never got into reffing. I've always kind of wanted to do it but have always been dissuaded by seeing how some parents acted.

That's why I prefer working the beer league games. I don't care if I could make an extra $15 for the game if I have to put up with coaches and parents that think it's an NHL game. At least in the beer league games you can toss out the jackholes when they act up.

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