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gym pet peeves

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I was thinking while i was on the bike at my local gym what really grinds my gears.. here it goes...

-Sitting on a machine/bench spacing out for 10 min while they listen to their ipod...like that one rep is going to change their life forever

-Not spraying down a machine

-Grunting...I'm sorry but this isn't a body builders gym!

-Texting while doing legs or cardio

whats everybody's or am i just crazy?

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  On 1/29/2011 at 12:22 AM, hampshirepuck said:

I was thinking while i was on the bike at my local gym what really grinds my gears.. here it goes...

-Sitting on a machine/bench spacing out for 10 min while they listen to their ipod...like that one rep is going to change their life forever

-Not spraying down a machine

-Grunting...I'm sorry but this isn't a body builders gym!

-Texting while doing legs or cardio

whats everybody's or am i just crazy?

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How about the guy that always gets to the gym before you and never leaves before you!

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  On 1/29/2011 at 12:33 AM, Agent1.8 said:

How about the guy that always gets to the gym before you and never leaves before you!

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hahah gotta love the gym rats! more than likely they are the loudest ones there and sipping on roid cocktails

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Agree with the grunters. If I can hear you over my music, you're just being obnoxious for the sake of it. I get it, you're trying hard... no need to make it sound like a porno in here.

As far as the texting during legs or cardio, I play solitaire on my phone when I'm riding the bike. I don't like what's on the TV's there and staring at the wall is boring as hell.

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Where to begin:

1: The awful music my gym plays (I refuse to take in my ipod, so I guess I can't complain)...working out to Bieber really makes me want to drop a weight on my face.

2: People that interrupt my circuit. If I can finish the other exercises in my circuit and come back to whatever it is that I was using, and you're still using it, that's a problem.

3: Not necessarily a peeve...but people that use too much weight and have to swing their body into what theyre doing, actually funny sometimes.

4: Lack on padded mat's to work ab's on.

5: The looks I get when I do any kind of pushups...

6. The number of trainers that are just standing around, no I dont want your input.

Im sure there is more..


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I work out at home so I don't have to deal with people that have the IQ of the dumbells they are lifting but back in the day I spent many hours at the gym and had some peeves too

Guys hogging machines

Guys admiring their abs, biceps you name it in front of the mirror

Guys who think they can give me pointers on my workouts when they can't do one single exercise with good form

People who don't put away their weights dumbells and what not

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  On 1/29/2011 at 2:23 AM, hamstercaster said:

I work out at home so I don't have to deal with people that have the IQ of the dumbells they are lifting but back in the day I spent many hours at the gym and had some peeves too

Guys hogging machines

Guys admiring their abs, biceps you name it in front of the mirror

Guys who think they can give me pointers on my workouts when they can't do one single exercise with good form

People who don't put away their weights dumbells and what not

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Hahaa i agree completely with that, it drives me nuts. What about the guys who set the weight really high AFTER there done on the machine? Thats always good for a laugh, seeing theres no way this 17 year old just worked out his pecks with 450 pounds.

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Amen to that Hamstercaster! I'd say the same things you guys are mentioning. And when people jack my treadmill/bike/whatever-cardio time. My gym has you write on a whiteboard, what time your gonna go on whatever. And several times I've had people of all ages(Youngest being my age, oldest being a pretty old guy) jack my time. I'm not gonna whine about that, but really?

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Spotters who get so close to the bar and bench that their nutsack is almost resting on your forehead :facepalm::biggrin: Now if it's a female spotter, by all means, get as close as you can :biggrin:

Spotters not paying attention and not spotting when it's actually time to do so

Spotters who help you just a bit too much, so much so that they are the ones actually getting the work out

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I hate the fact that my gym only has 10 45-pound plates on the bench press rack. How am I supposed to get a decent workout without some serious weight?

That, and those grunting guys.

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Feel free to continue in the general venting topic, we're seeing a bunch of various "complaint" topics lately and we already have one location for all of them.

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