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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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found some cooperalls

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i was looking thru some of my dads old hockey gear that i found buried under the basement stairs in the crawlspace. theres these old ccm gloves with torn up leather palms, some aincent cooper shin/elbow pads, these useless cooper shoulder pads made of foam with little itty bitty shoulder caps.then i found these sweet almost new cooperalls and the grey girdle that goes underneath them. theyre nice red with a white stripe like red wings pants. the only damage is a couple scuffs in the shins. might put a pic up if i figure it out. i hear these are a cool collecters item and was wondering how much these would be worth...cooperalls+ebay=new stick...you know:)

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First question is....


I know I'd be pissed if my kid Ebay'd any of my equipment - especially since a lot of us old farts really hate the design and flash of the new stuff.....

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haha he quit hockey like ten years ago and this stuff was under the stairs since before i was born at least! he has another bag of his "current" (1990s) stuff in the garage that he occasionally never uses haha. he also has these old ccm tack pumps? they are ccm but have pumps with little reebok logos underneath. are those the first ever pump skates?

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Even to collectors of memorabilia they aren't worth much worn by pros. I'd be willing to bet that shipping would be about as much as the cooperalls are worth.

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Far fetched? That's beyond far fetched. The last pair of game worn pro Flyers Cooperalls I saw on eBay didn't sell at $40, for the four months they were on eBay.

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Even to collectors of memorabilia they aren't worth much worn by pros. I'd be willing to bet that shipping would be about as much as the cooperalls are worth.

$4999.........LOL....what is buddy thinking? lol

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yeahhh I saw some kid playing with one the other day and i was thinking it was a sweet 4000 but then I doubletaked and realized it was a cooper... thought it was pretty unique

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There have been a few good condition cooperalls that have gone on ebay in the $50+ range recently I think. It might be worth a shot.

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