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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Kovalchuk stick?

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We gee..... I know there are guys on here that spend time in the NHL locker rooms, why not ask him?

When I go to pens games I talk to the assistant eqm a lot ill ask him next time I go

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good question on the shaved heel. I did notice it but never paid any mind as far as why it was there. I'll try to ask the guy I got the stick from as well.

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If the Kovalchuk/Zherdev blades have a shaved heel to keep them "legal" why doesn't Ovechkin shave his?

I got 3 Kovy's with a bigger toe then the one you will be receiving, none have a shaved heel and measure out to about 3/4"

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my cousin had 3 widow pro stock kovalchucks they were 95 flex with a huge curve and he said it gives him a rocket

I just want 1 widow Pro Stock Kovalchuck

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Yeah I have 3 Kovy blades the one's in the sale section none of them have the shaved heel to my knowledge...probably just something he experiments with when he gets in slumps.

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does the shaved heel make the curve Legal? With the heel shaved you can have a larger curve and still fall within the "rules" once the blade is placed into a gauge with the heel and toe lying flat (the heel becomes lower than the toe) .


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my cousin had 3 widow pro stock kovalchucks they were 95 flex with a huge curve and he said it gives him a rocket

I just want 1 widow Pro Stock Kovalchuck

So do I...

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I find it to be lower than that. that's why i'm trying to get rid of my blade, used it once the lie is way too low for me.

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I think his talent is unbelievable still..

I'd rather have him than gaborik or ovechkin... Not sure I'm gonna make many friends with that statement though..

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So im thinking bout getting a prostock Kovy stick :) I want to try a toe curve but i dont want something as stiff as his prostock. Is the slovak curve on the warrior customizer website similar to the kovy prostock curve??? I want his curve on a OPS but i want a whippy stick. Thanks for your reply

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I know it is not quite the same, but I went back to a AK27 xl 100 flex with an ak27 gionta after mainly using an APX and a Miken Z9. I must say, it shot harder during warmups and felt better balanced for me than either the Bauer or the Miken. I do not get it! Something about the flex profile of the AK feels like it loads similarly to what I remember wood sticks performed like. It could be the fact that the AK is broken in and the APX and Miken are not.

HAHAH! My original intent of this was not to talk stick performance, I think it has more to do with the curve. I can stick handle like a dream with the neutral flat portion of the Gionta like the p91a but I can catch hard passes on the move move easier with the Gionta than the p91a due to the toe cradling and calming the spin of the puck. I sure would love an APX with a gionta or Kovalchuk on it! That would fire rockets! There...my ramblin is done!

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