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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tall Man's Pants

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So with my junior year of high school wrapping up, and my recent "acquisition" of a full time job at the elementary school, I figure it's time to go out with a bang and get myself all the gear that I want for my last year of competitive hockey. First on my list is new shorts. I've always worn a girdle for comfort, but the team issued shells are way to short in terms of proportion based on the fact that I'm 6'3" and have like a 32" waist. I tried convincing myself to get a longer shell on my own, but I could never justify dropping 20-30 dollars on plastic gym shorts.

My question involves a "tall fit" short. I know that my LHS can order some kind of +1 or +2 size from Bauer, but I don't really like their products and would like to avoid them if possible. Do any other companies offer this kind of product? or are there specific brands/models that just have a longer, basketball short, type feel?

I was looking at the Warrior Bonafide shorts earlier.... can anybody comment on the waist to length ratio here?

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The Warrior Hustler's are pretty long for their sizes. When I set them next to my Tackla 9000's they looked to be an inch or so longer. I know there's some other people with the Hustler's on this board so maybe they'll chime in as well. I'm 6'1 and my Hustler's come right about to the top of my shin pads.

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I believe he's looking for a shell that is longer. I picked up an older MIA shell from my LHS other week that fits great over my +2 MHP520 pants.

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I have a pair of Tackla shells that I recommend. They have belt loops with 3 positions so that you can let them hang lower or wear them higher on your waist. I'm 6'1" and I wear them in the middle position. I have Bauer Supreme shells as well and they are nice, they are made with good materials. Getting them in a "plus" length might be your best option despite your dislike for Bauer gear.

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Shorts? :unsure:

I'm curious myself. I've seen that on MadBrothers, but nowhere else. I'm wondering if it's some regional usage.

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Just go a size up? Unless you really hate the Ovechkin look (but not that much really). Btw, I'm 6'5 and also waist 32 so I know your pain ahah

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I'm curious myself. I've seen that on MadBrothers, but nowhere else. I'm wondering if it's some regional usage.

I was using the word shorts to describe a shell earlier, like that they're "plastic shorts". Also I'm looking for complete pants, not just a longer shell.

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Tackla and Warrior also make pants with longer inseam options. I'm in a Tackla 9000 long and I couldn't be happier.

+ for the Tackla's. They make a few of the cheaper models in long/tall as well. I have a pair of Tackla 2440's that are about perfect. A quick web search came up with a pair in your size.

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They aren't plastic either. They, pant shells, are made from either nylon or polyester.

Well, technically yes they are because nylon & polyester are both plastics. But you knew that. :biggrin:

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RBK 9K have a built in zipper to give the +1 - I currently used them and am very happy with the protection on the legs and spine and length - they have the mid strap belt and suspender pins for us older guys who still use them - -didn't break the bank ~$75???

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So with my junior year of high school wrapping up, and my recent "acquisition" of a full time job at the elementary school, I figure it's time to go out with a bang and get myself all the gear that I want for my last year of competitive hockey. First on my list is new shorts. I've always worn a girdle for comfort, but the team issued shells are way to short in terms of proportion based on the fact that I'm 6'3" and have like a 32" waist. I tried convincing myself to get a longer shell on my own, but I could never justify dropping 20-30 dollars on plastic gym shorts.

My question involves a "tall fit" short. I know that my LHS can order some kind of +1 or +2 size from Bauer, but I don't really like their products and would like to avoid them if possible. Do any other companies offer this kind of product? or are there specific brands/models that just have a longer, basketball short, type feel?

I was looking at the Warrior Bonafide shorts earlier.... can anybody comment on the waist to length ratio here?


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