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X:60 vs TotalOne Flex

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I currently use an 87 flex X:60, but since I have to cut off about 2.5 inches it is too much for me to flex. I'm going to be getting 77 flex and was curious if anyone has a good comparison between the X:60 and the TotalOne as far as flex goes. I know they have different flex-points and was curious if one of them is "easier" to flex. I'm most interested in getting flex for my wrists shots. Thanks in advance.

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My opinion is if you want flex for your wrist shots, don't get the TotalOne. The midflex has not helped me with wrist shots at all and you are better off just getting the less flex of an X60 if thats what you are choosing between.

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I find I personally get better wristers with my Totalone than my X60; and my Totalone is stiffer too. How a stick feels when shooting is preference as raganblink mentioned. But if you feel the 87 cut down is too stiff then why not try a TO in a 77 this time.

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I find I personally get better wristers with my Totalone than my X60; and my Totalone is stiffer too. How a stick feels when shooting is preference as raganblink mentioned. But if you feel the 87 cut down is too stiff then why not try a TO in a 77 this time.

I was afraid I was making a mistake buying the 87 flex but it was my first $200 stick and since I snapped my 77 flex X:40 with a simple wrist shot I was afraid to go with 77 flex again. I like the feel of the x:60 but I've become more curious about the TotalOne lately because it seems like more people in general prefer it over the X:60.

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Maybe more people are liking the Totalone because its the latest stick out there offered by Bauer... and we are on a forum of gear whores.

I prefer the x60. All my shots seem to have a lot more zing to them, but it could be that my shooting style is more suited to the X60. I rarely move my hands up/down the shaft for a shot, even with slappers (which is a modified mini slap).

Whatever works for you... no one can tell you that the TO is better than the X60, its all about your own PP

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I have owned both and I shoot harder and more accurately across the board with my total one. More importantly the shaft dimensions are very different. I would say to go with whatever feels good in your hands.

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Maybe more people are liking the Totalone because its the latest stick out there offered by Bauer... and we are on a forum of gear whores.

I prefer the x60. All my shots seem to have a lot more zing to them, but it could be that my shooting style is more suited to the X60. I rarely move my hands up/down the shaft for a shot, even with slappers (which is a modified mini slap).

Whatever works for you... no one can tell you that the TO is better than the X60, its all about your own PP

I'm on this boat. I feel more accurate with my x60 too.

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Maybe more people are liking the Totalone because its the latest stick out there offered by Bauer... and we are on a forum of gear whores.

I prefer the x60. All my shots seem to have a lot more zing to them, but it could be that my shooting style is more suited to the X60. I rarely move my hands up/down the shaft for a shot, even with slappers (which is a modified mini slap).

Whatever works for you... no one can tell you that the TO is better than the X60, its all about your own PP

Same here. I've tried one95, TO, s19, etc. but always went back to my x60. Harder, more accurate, feels better in my hands, and I actually like the "lively" blade.

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I had both sticks too. Shooting is great with both, with the x60 there was more zing but for me the TO has much more feeling. My stickhandling improved and so i went with the TO. So both sticks shoot really well.

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This is such a subjective question, it all depends on each players shooting style. A player who does better with a low kick stick will prefer the X60 but someone who does better with a mid-kick stick will find the TotalOne type stick to be the better choice.

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On a side note, I think most agree that the X60 feels stiffer than rated for two reasons:

One being the kickpoint, which was pushed way down and therefore lends to a stiffer feeling since the stick kicks much lower. The second being that Bauer may have stiffened the rest of the shaft a bit too much in an attempt to lower that kickpoint.

The higher kickpoint of the Total One alone will make it feel easier to flex in comparison to the X60. Regardless of the ease you have flexing it, none of this goes into shot mechanics or which one could truly be better for your shot.

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i feel like i lose slight accuracy with my totalone, but i make up for in velocity with how the stick flexs. i shoot harder with it, love the way it loads, the accuracy is probably due to getting used to a newer curve. i wouldnt trade my totalone for an x60. i dont like the blade on the x60 at all the TO has a better feel and better blade durability imo.

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Personal preference I say but between having both I loved my TO more. My shot just felt powerful and heavy and I never felt that with any other stick to be honest.

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I've always felt like low-kick sticks played stiffer than mid-kicks. I don't have a stock X60, but I'm sure my XXXX played stiffer than my One95. As others have said though, shooting style matters.

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A lot of great input so far. Thanks! I think I'm going to take the plunge and try the TO this time around. The only true way to know if I'll like it better is to try it.

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A lot of great input so far. Thanks! I think I'm going to take the plunge and try the TO this time around. The only true way to know if I'll like it better is to try it.

for the sake of you personally compairing id probably use same flex/curve. i know thats probably common knowledge but that would be your best bet to do imo.

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