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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever do something on the ice you really regret?

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I definitely wouldn't worry bout that one. Like you said guy was a bum off the street and obviously shouldn't have been coaching. Just because his team got smoked when they wanted to see how they were looking doesn't mean he's gotta be a poor sport. You win some and you lose some.

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Like it was said above, everyone has been there at one point or another, especially in no check leagues where the respect seems to be a lot lower (and gets worse the lower the level you play)

Two summers ago I was playing in a low level C league, helping a buddy out who had a whole team of guys who wanted to learn to play ice hockey. Honestly myself and the goalie were playin in too low of a league but I just played stay at home D, rarely shot and just tried to pass and teach the guys who wanted to learn.

One of the poorer skaters comes up to me in the second game complaining of getting sticked in the genitals. I figured it was just an accident but he asked me to watch a guy on the other team and sure enough next shift he sticks the same guy way behind the play. Next shift out I catch the guy and tell him were all here to have fun and have to go to work the next day, take it easy with the stick jobs. He tells me to go F myself and he'll do whatever he wants, if the ref doesn't see it it's not a penalty.

Midway thru the second period I pinch a puck on the boards as this guy is comin around and he skates past me and sticks me right below where my cup stops. I ice the puck, skate right to the Ref tell him what happened and ask him to please watch this guy since he's done it 3 times. I then warn the guy next time he sticks me I'm coming for him. He tells me I won't do S, then sticks me again on the faceoff and the ref throws him in the box.

3rd period starts and the guy says to me "I thought you were gonna get me?" I don't know why but my blood boiled and he collected the puck behind the net about 3 shifts later and I did exactly to him what Torres did to Seabrook.

Knocked him out on the ice, ambulance came. He had a grade 2 concussion and broke his elbow (he didn't have any elbows on). I still have conflicted feelings about it today, I'm always concerned I cost the guy money at work or affected his life in some adverse way and I feel really bad about it, but then I think of how much of a prick the guy was and wonder if maybe he got a little of what he deserved.

Any guy who sticks someone in the balls multiple times with an attitude like his got exactly what he deserves. Just my opinion

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Knocked him out on the ice, ambulance came. He had a grade 2 concussion and broke his elbow (he didn't have any elbows on). I still have conflicted feelings about it today, I'm always concerned I cost the guy money at work or affected his life in some adverse way and I feel really bad about it, but then I think of how much of a prick the guy was and wonder if maybe he got a little of what he deserved.

why would you feel bad for someone who earned their lesson? Don't worry about it, how is it your fault he was a piece of crap and didnt wear elbow pads? You're fine! It's cool baby.

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I was never a heavy hitter when I played youth hockey, but in one game a kid ran my teammate and gave him what turned out to be a broken collarbone. Later in the same game, I caught the kid going into the corner for a puck, put my shoulder down and drove him into the boards. Got him right on the top of the boards and bounced his head off of them. Out like a light.

Was a clean hit, he started to lose balance as I was making contact and went in awkwardly. Kinda still feel bad about it....10 someodd years later.

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Anyone that's played long enough or at a high enough level has done something on the ice that they regret. I've done it before and I'm sure I'll do it again but the thing is I've learned from every situation and that's all you can do

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There's gotta be a system of checks and balances, Bravada. What you did is completely fine and understandable in my eyes. There's always going to be someone bigger and badder who will eventually level the playing field if a player is consistently dirty and inconsiderate.

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In the heat of a game, I've been overly violent or celebratory. Most of the time it is throwing the body into someone in non check hockey or a slash, but I do try to apologize and make sure they are okay.

Worst thing is hurting people in pickup. I don't care if it is a routine play that end up turning out bad, I dwell on those incidents and worry about simple plays like poke checks.

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Everybody has their "see red" moments. But I don't think there's anything I've done on purpose in hockey that I regret. Off the ice and some freak accidents on the ice, yes but otherwise they've pretty much all been a reaction to something else with one exception. Senior year of HS we were at a tourney in Chicago and were getting waxed by an All-Star team from Michigan, late in the game I was getting held up pretty good in front of the net and out of frustration speared the guy holding me in the stomach. No harm done, I got tossed, we got our asses kicked even more, I was embarassed for the way I blew my top as a captain more than regretted the actual action.

On the other end of the spectrum, two penalties my senior year I did not have one ounce of regret in taking:

1. Home game, parked in front of the net doing my usual thing and the D man starts cross checking me in the back trying to move me. No big deal, happens all the time. Now, at 17 I was 6'2" and 180 lbs, there weren't a lot of guys in my HS league that had success moving me. So the D then starts cross checking me in the neck and the back of the head, I let 3 of them go before I stand up, turn around, and look straight at the ref watching all this happen and ask him if he's going to call any of it? Blank stare. I turn around and this kid starts hitting me in the neck even harder. I spin around and pitchfork the kid in the nuts so hard I picked him up off the ice. Spearing-ejected and 1 game suspension.

2. Presidents Day tourney in Utah. Weird things are happening. We get 4 minutes less in the game than promised and we've already had one player ejected for something nobody in the arena actually saw. Early in the 3rd I'm racing a D down the ice to get a dump-in. 5 feet out from the end boards the D jams his stick in my feet and can-openers me into the wall at full speed. I got my hand on the dasher right before my neck would have slammed onto it. I get up, chase the kid down and give him the butt-end to end all butt-ends in the ribs, I was trying to break his rib. Butt End- ejection. I flipped out on the ref for not calling an intent to injure penalty on the other kid and caused a fairly large scene that ended up with my ultralite in pieces all over the arena.

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I just had mine at pickup. I accidentaly high sticked a guy wearing a visor I got him on the front logo of his helmet. It wasn't intentional at all I went to lift his stick but he made a move just as I went to do it. I apologized but still felt really bad about it and couldn't stop thinking about it all night which also made me play really crappy

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Playing in a summer league when I was 13 or so, a kid wanted to play up a level, and the league director (our coach, also my Dad) said no. Parents complained and complained until the he relented and let the kid play up. Kid's first game in the league was against my team, second period he comes down the boards with his head down, and I buried him. Kid broke both bones in his arm. Clean hit, but I should have let up. I had probably 5 inches and 30 lbs on him.

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When I was playing competitively as a kid I did the usual sort of stupid stuff kids do. Never lead a team in PIM or anything, but if I got PO'ed I wasn't above throwing a cheap shot or two. Since entering the days of beer league and drop-in there's really only one incident I can think of that I regret to an extent. A drop in I used to play at years ago had a guy that used to like to play very physically as long as he was the aggressor and he always chose to go after the smaller and weaker skaters. Once he was pushing a girl around that was 1/3 of his size if she was lucky, and I told him to mellow the F&^% out. He responded something stupid along the lines of "hey, that's how hockey is played, she can leave if she doesn't like it." So about 10 minutes later one of his team mates fed him a suicide pass as he was crossing the red line and I lowered my shoulder and delivered the big hit. I'm not gonna say he didn't have it coming to an extent, but at the same time I could have seriously injured him and I didn't attempt any other remedy for his conduct. Like talking to one of the rink staff or anything. He never came back after that.

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just learn from it and move on. In the heat of battle, most things are not well thought out. Indeed, what differentiates a pro player from the rest of us shmoes is the ability to sit down on the bench, take a few breaths, and forget about what just went on on the ice and be ready and clear headed for the next shift. That is mental toughness.

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Sorry if you consider this spam.. But I bet this guy really regret this youtube.com/watch?v=inncr93UioA&feature=player_embedded(Really dirty play in a beer league)

I lol'd at the youtube vid.

never seen that before.

I layed someone out before mid ice, didnt think i should have done it.

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Done lots of stupid things, but almost always tit-for-tat type stuff (you board one of our guys, I'll blinside you)... but two really stand out, both in Roller.

#1 Guy about 5-7ish, maybe 5-8, 190 or so, wears a full cage, runs around chopping guys and nasty hooks, slashing, etc, on the other team, had ALWAYS had a problem with him... I'm skating in behind their next from the wing, he's right on me, hacking, slashing, hooking away... get to come around the post, and I get shoved right at the iron... I barely dodge it last second, put on the brakes, turn around and come up with a full-on cross check at teeth level as hard as I could (kid had a cage, no worries right?). Kid peeled off just before the crease, and one of their poor-skating (and mid-50s in age) defensemen was the one who actually almost put me into the pipe face-first, and it was 100% accidental. When I turned and blasted him, thinking it was the prick bastard, I actually put him up in the air and absolutely buried him into the floor. Knocked out cold, and fortunately, nothing else injured. Of course then I ended up fighting their big guy, the punk kid two-handed my AND speared me in the gut WHILE I was throwing bombs with their enforcer, it was a mess. After we were all seperated I went to the guy and waited until he was helped up, profusely apologized. For years afterwards, I made sure he always knew how truly sorry I was for the hit, I seriously could have hurt him.

#2 Intentionally Max Pacioretti(sp)/Zdeno Chara'd a guy face-first into the stanchion @ the penalty box. Guy was butt-ending me on face-offs with the "pool-cue" move, among other annoying (and somewhat painful) BS. So waited for him to rush down the boards, and he was one of those guys who always tried to "jump" a bump on the boards, and I full-on drilled him mid-air halfway over the boards, face first, full speed into the divider. Nose smashed, knocked half his teeth out (no mouthguard), concussion. Lucky his jaw or orbital didn't go kaboom, too. Only felt "bad" because of the fact that the level of punishment inflicted on him was way worse than what he had been trying to do to me, but I can usually justify that sort of thing with the 'ol "I TOLD you not to fuck with me!" thing...

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I just had mine at pickup. I accidentaly high sticked a guy wearing a visor I got him on the front logo of his helmet. It wasn't intentional at all I went to lift his stick but he made a move just as I went to do it. I apologized but still felt really bad about it and couldn't stop thinking about it all night which also made me play really crappy

In the league here, depends on the ref. I got hit really hard in the cage TWICE and there was no call, but a mistimed stick lift on the opponent's top player got me two mins. Refs are shite.

Only two regrets that I've had so far in the last year

- not trash talking enough... not trying to be a prick, but when the other team plays dirty and starts cross checking you in their goalie crease, I just gave the guy a nudge and he fell on his own goalie. Comes up to me and tells me "i'm giving you a warning for that". I just looked at him and said, "are you a fucking principal or something, f*ck off!". Ref gives me shit for dumping the guy and I told him 'where were your eyes when he was hitting me?' Next period same thing happens, and I just told the guy to f*ck off, he ended up getting two minutes for unsportsmanlike conduct...

- played the same dirty team months before, and this big goon was throwing his weight around. I mean, c'mon... you guys are already winning by 4-5 goals, and we're playing in a lower tier inline game. This goon hit me onto the ground, me on top of the puck, he's using his stick to dig it out from under me, I just got pissed and my leg swung out and hit him on the shins. He comes at me and says 'you f*cking kicking me?'. Ref finally blows whistle for faceoff ... subsequent faceoff, puck comes to me I tried to play a one-two with the boards and skip out of the way while this guy was lining me up for a big hit. He misses completely and goes into the boards and gets two minutes for whatever reason. The stupid thing I did was to apolgise after the game... after I had done it, i felt pretty stupid about it.

That team is a bunch of douches... just because you're the first to score against them, they target you the whole game. Doesnt matter if they end up winning 10-1 or 5-1, as long as you have scored against them they make it bad for you the entire game... slashes, hacks, cross checks... all in a lower tier inline league.

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I"ve accidently missed on the stick lift and caused dudes to bleed their own blood. I always apologized right after. One time I even reminded the ref to give me a 5 min. major after he only called me for the 2 minor. haha. I've also been on the opposite side and bled my own blood. No hard feelings at all.

As far as regrettable actions go, I've never done anything extreme enough to hurt seriously hurt someone. Paybacks are a bitch sometimes, but I try to keep it to clean hits.

What I do regret though, is an incident from this past winter. Some guy actually older than me pulled my legs out from under me as I was skating away after winning the puck on the boards. When I was getting up, I was looking at him to see wtf his problem was because I knew he wasn't making a play for the puck. He chirped at me and I jumped up and started yelling back at him dropping f bombs and calling him female genitalia etc. The rink has the spectator area above the ice (Steiner East rink in SLC, UT in case anyone is familiar) and my kids were right above me hearing every word. As did the rest of the rink, I'm sure, because I was yelling pretty loud. Classy.. real classy.

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This season against a rival team I guess you could say I did somethin I kinda regret but not really since no one was hurt. I had the puck in the corner in my D zone, I threw it behind the net around the boards as my center cut near me and some kid just smoked him when he never touched the puck. I looked down at him and he didn't move for a few secs. My teammate who got hit has had shoulder problems for a few years so I figured he was donezo. I followed the kid down the ice and actually the play stopped and he was going to his bench and I caught up to him right before he got there and threw a hit from behind on him right in front of his bench. Needless to say two of their players grabbed me and started punching me and another jumped over and tried to land feet first one me. I got one of them kicked out and another put in the box and well I just got thrown out too. I can say I survived getting kicked skate first twice in one game and I only played 10 mins into the first...

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This season against our rivals I was racing into the corner for a puck parallel to the kid and my d partner was skating from the other wing straight into the corner. The kid on the other team only saw me, then I let up and my friend came across full speed, laid his shoulder into the kid's head and dropped him. The kid was out cold and his linemate came after me and punched me. I dropped a right and shoved him to the ice. I only got a suspension for fighting while my buddy got nothing. I feel bad that I let my friend level the kidblindsided. I think he had a grade 3 concussion.

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I'm probably nowhere close to what you guys have said in this topic, but here's one: I'm playing as JV captain and we have 5 guys on our bench. The other team has a full bench. First: The kid began my night by boarding me through the Zamboni dasher board. no call. Second: Same kid boards a guy on our team from about 10 feet out, gets his stick into the shoulder pads and drives him face-first, injuring him. Strike 2 on the calls. Finally, I get two handed in the face 3 times without a call, followed by several crosschecks to the head after I turn around to set up a screen. When the play went the other direction, I slashed that kid across the laces very hard just on the fact that he had boarded 2 kids, injured one of them and wouldn't let up even though they were winning 4-0 at that point in time.

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not exactly a regrettable moment, but more a "karma" moment; we're playing in a tourney down in Phoenix, a kid cranks a shot off the cross-bar and it goes straight up in the air, one of our D-men catches it in front of our crease and a forward on their team coming on to the ice from the bench takes a run at him. Our D-man looks up at the last second and completely belts the kid to the ice, he lays there motionless for a while and then gets helped off. Turns out the kid broke his collar bone cleanly in half on our D-man's cage, the charge probably wasn't worth it.

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The thing I regret most is actually something I didn't do. We were up 6-0 in the third period. The other team is clearly frustrated and the game starts to get chippy. One of my teammates is behind their net when their defenseman start shoving and throwing some punches. Then their goalie starts sucker punching my teammate while he's trying to shake off the two d-men. I was the nearest teammate at their blue line, but I just stood there and waited for the refs to break it up. In the locker room afterward, one teammate starts saying I should've helped out my guy because he was outnumbered and defenseless when the goalie started throwing punches. I couldn't help but agree, which is why I still ask myself why I didn't help.

I doubt my teammate would even remember the incident, but I still have regrets about not helping him out.

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I was throwing hard passes at a friend today for one-timers; I flubbed one and the puck broke his steel clean in half. Freak accident but I felt like a total dick.

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