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Headband to control sweating

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Anyone do anything to control head sweat from getting on your face? I was thinking of wearing a headband but wanted to know if there were any alternatives..

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I wear a under Armour one. Thing was soaked after a Skate and shoot but it worked like a charm. Kept all the sweat out of my eyes and worked really well. I suggest one if you sweat a lot.

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Don't some goalie masks have a velcroed piece of cloth to help absorb sweat. Or is that something individuals add after? Would be easy enough to do, as long as it isn't so thick that it affects fit/safety.

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I know tblfan added velcro to front part of a helmet and put velcro on piece of a head band. That way can remove it easily for cleaning. I believe he described it in his S19 helmet review.

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Don't some goalie masks have a velcroed piece of cloth to help absorb sweat. Or is that something individuals add after? Would be easy enough to do, as long as it isn't so thick that it affects fit/safety.

Yeah, every goalie mask I've had (that wasn't a widowmaker) has had a sweatband in it; they work great, but even with it I still get sweat in my eyes. I imagine having a sweatband in a player helmet would be more effective, though, because you have more opportunities on the bench to wring it out. I've been meaning to add one to my S19, but I haven't gotten around to it. That, or grow some hair.

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I know tblfan added velcro to front part of a helmet and put velcro on piece of a head band. That way can remove it easily for cleaning. I believe he described it in his S19 helmet review.

I do this with mine. put a piece of velcro with adhesive on one side in the helmet. take a regular sweatband and cut it in 2. velcro the sweatband inside the helmet and you're ready to go.

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Thanks for all the ideas folks..Appreciate the inputs. I picked up an UA headband this morning and am going to try wearing it first and then if that doesn't work out I am going to try shoeshine boys suggestion...

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I do the same velcro thing. I have 4 small velcro squares where my forehead sits. Strips would work too. I then took a cheap headband, cut it in half and put one half inside the other to make a little beefier sweatband. Slap it on the velcro and you're good to go.

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Ditto the UA skull cap. Works great for me.

I know I said it in a post before but, I love it. I was at a Skate and Shoot last Sunday, and I wanted a drink of water. I said, let's check out this sweat band. I took off my helmet and literally the thing was filled with sweat. Since I'm not a scumbag, I went to the shower and wrung it out there. It was gross really, but at the same time I'm happy I went with it seeing as how much of it it absorbed.

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Does sweating from the head really bother you guys where it hinders your comfort?

It's just a slight problem when it runs in your eyes, blurs your vision and burns the heck out of your eyes. Especially mid-play.

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Does sweating from the head really bother you guys where it hinders your comfort?

Maybe my sweat is especially salty, but I barely can make anything out when sweat gets in my eyes. My eyes will water up, and it is difficult to wipe it out through my cage.

I didn't get as much sweat in my eyes a few years ago, but I think my receding hairline and the fact that I have been cutting my hair a bit shorter than I used to is making it worse. Eventually I will be forced to use some soaking device.

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Since I'm fat and I have always been one to sweat a lot and barely have any hair, yeah. It is a problem when it gets into my eyes and burns. However, the UA Cap takes care of it nicely.

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No joke, tape a maxi-pad to the inside of your helmet. They're designed to keep something else contained, why not use it for sweat? Works perfect for me. I just toss it when I'm done.

Forgot to add, they're cheap too.

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