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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Joe Sakic Pro Stock Sticks

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Indeed, obviously an absolute tonne of NHLers have total rockets with Drury-esque heel wedges, it's just amazing to me since my wrister is such garbage with a heel wedge. Clearly just my poor technique, but since I personally have such a better wrister with a mid curve I find it really impressive that guys like Sakic can have such unbelievable wristers with blades that are basically flat. His curve doesn't even seem to have much of a kink/angle at the heel, I think of the Drury as having a significant kink at the heel, but Sakic's pro curve looks almost straight (along the top edge) until the slight curve close to the toe.

It reminds me of the retail warrior vanek blade with a little toe curve on it. If warrior make a retail wood vanek I would already be trying to put a little toe on it and get some custom sticks made.

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You are right, I have a Sakic T-flex wood blade and the curve is essentially the same as the Vanek. The angle the stick is being held gives the look of toe curve but the toe is really just laid open a shade.

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You are right, I have a Sakic T-flex wood blade and the curve is essentially the same as the Vanek. The angle the stick is being held gives the look of toe curve but the toe is really just laid open a shade.

This is true, I really don't see any toe to it at all when I look at the curve from any angle.I can take a different angle pic if any one likes ?

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Very similar curve to the Stevie Y PS Stealth I have, although that feels like a 65-70 flex.

Throw up some pics of it for the hell of it. Always wanted to see a righty version or Steve's pattern from later in his career.

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I have this curve in a pro-signed Sakic original Synergy and recently found the same curve in a comp tapered blade in a LPS. I couldn't shoot for anything with this playing in beer league until I learned how to shoot it off the toe. IF this curve was put on a new V9E or V9 I couldn't imagine what kind of power/accuracy you could get. Unreal. I'll post pictures of both later.

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The sweet spot is on the heel on a Sakic pro...I'm glad you revived this as he better than anyone, perhaps in the history of the game, proves you don't need a ridiculous toe-banana E28 to take a snap shot with your hands out in front. Amazing what marketing can do and ironic considering he was an Easton poster boy his entire career. Dual lie... :rolleyes:

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A gentle wedge with just a touch of toe to it. Gorgeous!

Sakic was always a guy shooting with his hands out front, but Cavs is right, his release style didn't match what Easton is trying to market. So many different ways to release a puck with great results and Sakic was definitely an absolute sniper.

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I never knew Sakic had this curve. Interesting that so many Pro's use this style of curve. I have a couple Ray Whitneys that are pretty much Yzerman and now come to find out Sakic clones. Whitney actually uses a 95 flex as well.

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I don't know if it was why they were for sale at a LHS or if he tweaked/made the pattern himself, but I remember coming across some of his old wood T-Flex blades that had virtually no curve. They were flatter than Larionovs.

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