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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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April Fools Jokes

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I completely forgot about April fools day. The only funny thing I saw all day was that one of the UofT student run newspapers front page headline was about the university starting to grow weed all over the campus. Did you guys see any particularly funny pranks?

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On the radio today, they said that there was a beer truck broke down and that it was too heavy to tow, so that they were giving away 2 cases of beer to whoever wanted it. The sad thing is how many kids came to school believing it.

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My wife parked the car on the road outside of the garage. I get read to go to work only two cars in the garage!

She gets me EVERY year!

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I read the announcements every day at school and I always end it off with a catchy phrase like "Thats all for your daily announcements and have a what-ever-you-want-it-to-be Wednesday" well today I said "That's all for your daily announcements and have a fun three day weekend" and we don't have a three day weekend...

I asked a girl out who really is obsesed with me who I absolutely can't stand and said April Fools. Mean, yes. Funny, oh hell yeah.

Also a friend of mine had a really good one. In Psych, as many of you know who participated in my experiment, we had to present Psychological experiments today. Earlier in the semester the teacher had said that "The majority of good female soft-ball players are lesbians". Yeah we get off topic occasionaly. While presenting he said he went to a different local high school and interviewed soft-ball playing girls there to see if they were lesbians. After having the teacher beginning to write a letter of apology he calmly stated "and in conclusion April Fools". Everyone was rolling.

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This girl at my school broke up with her boyfriend on March 31 (for real) and then on Ap 1 she wrote him this long note saying how she was pregnant. It was pretty convincing and he got scared, then pissed. Now on Ap 2, they're back together. Make sense to anyone else?

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This girl at my school broke up with her boyfriend on March 31 (for real) and then on Ap 1 she wrote him this long note saying how she was pregnant.  It was pretty convincing and he got scared, then pissed.  Now on Ap 2, they're back together.  Make sense to anyone else?

It's high-school; most break-ups lasted a weekend tops.

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My GF told me she was pregnant :rolleyes:

You should have told her you were sterile and acted like you were about to go ape shit on her. ;)

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Paul you could'nt get a chic w/ a $100 bill hanging out of your zipper :P

I watched that movie today, I had forgotten how retardedly funny it is.

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Honestly It has to be the most under-rated movie ever. Besides me and some friends no one has seen it or gets any of the jokes. If you watch it a few time you pick up some funny stuff that you missed the first time. Any one who doesnt know the movie is Baseketball it stars the creators of southpark its a must see.

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My buddy picked it up for like $3 in the states somewhere, I'm looking to get that and So I married an axe murderer (another under rated movie), but i'm a bit low on funds.

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That's a good one too but I can't find it on DVD anywhere.

'Are there any more big rivers between here and Breckenridge?' 'Oh no, just the Colorado!' THE BIGGEST F*CKING RIVER I'VE SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!'

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I also liked Cannibal the Musical.

I've never even heard of that movie.... but orgasmo is a classic, that was my high school hockey teams movie, we watched it at like every team dinner my freshman and sophmore year.

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