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"Comic Book" Movies Discussion

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Srsly, nobody has seen The Wolverine movie yet or KickAss2?

I saw wolverine. Other than some characters showing up at a different time than his comics / characters being changed I thought it was really good.

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Actually, i think Affleck will be better than Bale in some ways. Bale seems to be a better dramatic actor, but Affleck is much more charismatic, so I think he'd be able to play Bruce Wayne the playboy better.

I thought "The Wolverine" tried too hard to be Nolan's Batman. It was semi boring at times.

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The Wolverine was awful. I'm going to assume I'll never see anything resembling the character from the comics in a film.

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Yes, awful. Is this the thread where spoilers are a green-light? I don't want to rant in case it's not, but it's a terrible movie so me spoiling anything and getting someone to not watch it would be a service to them.

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All right then. Wolverine sleeping. Jesus Christ this cat is always sleeping. Jean Grey's dream ghost bullshit is a bigger presence in this thing than any real villain, because we literally don't find out who the villain is until the last 5 minutes and then the villain gets beat by someone else.

Just think about that for a second.

If someone was to ask you to make a Wolverine movie, what part of the above would be a priority, if any of it? Where the hell would you ever put that down on paper as a bullet point when deciding how to spend like $100,000,000+ making a blockbuster movie? "I want Wolverine to have tons of nightmares, sleep a lot, then fight on a train, and then get shot with a bunch of arrows, and then finally fight the bad guy, and be worthless, and then the bad guy will get killed by someone else who is not the goddamn title character of the movie."

I liked when he got his powers back. I thought maybe he'll jack people up for real now instead of slicing one guy and getting shot and slowing down and then going to sleep while women pull bullets out of his massive pecs for the majority of the movie. But then he effs up some guys and it's that shaky cam bullcrap. Not cool like when he goes berzerker in the mansion in X2. Jesus, someone just give me that for 90 minutes. Then it's like final showdown and it seems all Kurosawa and man, the potential is there. Dudes with bows and arrows and chains; the potential for rain.
Then I realize, this director doesn't like Wolverine doing things--he likes Wolverine in pain. The whole purpose of this movie is just showing him never getting a good night's rest and getting shot and being in pain. Seconds later, we are treated to Wolverine getting shot with 50 arrows and not fighting anyone but just crawling and once again taking a nap. The bad guys literally take him to the big boss where he then he gets stabbed a lot and someone else (a chick) saves his neck.

And to hell with his nifty catchphrase of just dropping an f-bomb in a PG-13 movie. Now they want him to make four more movies, going into his 50s playing a character that doesn't age? Awesome.

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So many of these studios and directors just don't get it. They either go too campy, because they don't read comics themselves, so they assume that comics readers must be into the goofy bright colors. Or they try to treat it like Shakespeare, because they know that comics readers hate the campiness and are looking for an in depth probing of the character's psyche. Yeah, that's true, but there better be action.

The Wolverine seemed to lean too much toward theatre in the round, and less toward action, which I found to be almost plodding.

In contrast, I liked Wolverine:Origins much better. They built the argument for why the character acts as he does, while putting him into situations where he has to, you know, act....

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Haven't seen Wolverine yet, but I'm working on content for the DVD. I'll probably wait until then to see it.

If I was to do a Wolverine film at this point, I would totally do the Old Man Logan storyline. Dirty, Mad Max-style, all-out brutal film. Go for the R rating. Blade did well as an R film, I wish they'd take that path with some of the darker, more violent characters.


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Considering I got 5 minutes into the 4th one on Netflix before switching to something else, I'm not either. A cult classic like that with the death of a young, up-and-coming actor should not be remade.

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While not a movie, the Shield TV show wasn't bad. I haven't heard the reviews but I figure they will be mixed, at best.

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I ended up turning the first one off after the first hour, just couldn't take it any longer. My wife is going alone to the second one.

I'm shocked they are making a sequel to Man of Steel, too. The first was a horrible flop.

I just don't get it. You get a masterpiece like the Dark Knight, and then the rest of the comic book movies are awful. Maybe aimed at a different audience?

I guess a comic book movie is going to generally be a safe bet when it comes to box office returns, so it makes sense that they keep churning them out year after year.

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While not a movie, the Shield TV show wasn't bad. I haven't heard the reviews but I figure they will be mixed, at best.

I've watched a couple episodes. Not sure it's one I can get into. The ones I watched were decent but just didn't grab me. Partly because I'm more prone to be sucked in by the big feature filming/effects for super hero stuff.

I'm also one who doesn't have to have the absolute best in acting and plot. If its good enough to just keep me entertained for an hour and a half then I'm good. I'm not looking for an Oscar winner in every comic book movie.

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I've watched a couple episodes. Not sure it's one I can get into. The ones I watched were decent but just didn't grab me. Partly because I'm more prone to be sucked in by the big feature filming/effects for super hero stuff.

I'm also one who doesn't have to have the absolute best in acting and plot. If its good enough to just keep me entertained for an hour and a half then I'm good. I'm not looking for an Oscar winner in every comic book movie.

It's a lot like Warehouse 13 with a bigger budget, probably why I've watched every episode so far.

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Thor: Dark World was pretty good. The mid credit scene was a good tie in to Guardians of the Galaxy and the after credits scene was funny.

Yeah, definitely looking forward to Guardians coming up.

Also, if no one heard Netflix picks up: Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones series with Daredevil first up in 2015.

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I found Thor: Dark World to be disappointing. It seems like after a string of very good comic book movies, they're starting to dumb them to try to expand the audience, which I think will ultimately shrink the audience.

(Wolverine was the opposite. It tried to copy the moodiness of the Batman movies, but it lacked the tension, so it plodded.)

A few things bugged me, much of it because they strayed too far from the comics.

1) Adding levity is fine, but there's humor -- the professor talking at the chalkboard -- and then there's sitcom humor -- any Kat Dennings one-liner. If she had occasional one-liners, it might be good, but her entire role is to be the sarcastic sidekick, which doesn't remotely exist in the comics.

2) They had Malekith speak a different language, yet not Asgard. Asgard has always been portrayed as Shakespearian, not Nineties slang; it sets it apart from Midgard. The scriptwriters should have given their dialogue to one of Thor's writers and asked how he'd say certain things.

3) Let's follow the logic here: Thor recognizes that Loki is projecting a disguise in his cell. Loki is killed. Whoops, apparently Loki isn't killed. Apparently, Odin isn't able to recognize that Loki is disguised as a warrior. Apparently, Loki never realize he could have just pretended to be Frigga five-thousand years ago and murdered Odin then.

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has anyone seen the Spiderman movie yet? Just saw it tonight and thought it was a pretty good movie, but the guy who played Harry, DaHaan, shouldn't have been casted for his role.

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I'm not sure why -- maybe the previews made the special effects seem bad -- but I really wasn't looking forward to Spiderman 2. The truth, however, is it was much better than I was expecting.

I think what I hadn't liked about the special effects is Spiderman looked superimposed onto the scene; in retrospect, I think this somehow made him look more slinky as he was swinging, so it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I also felt they did a decent job with the tone of the movie; generally I prefer more serious takes on the comic book movies, but this one was neither a joke fest nor serious.

That said, if they had tightened up the holes in the script, I think it could have been more enjoyable.

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Comic book movie season is gearing up. Anybody see the Avengers this weekend? I really liked the movie. Spader did a great job with Ultron, especially his voicework.

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