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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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43% of people willing to give up beer for cell phone?

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The older I get, the less I care about alcohol. I'll have 15-20 drinks a year during social occasions, with the only time at home being when we might put a spritz of schnapps into hot cocoa.

Being lucid isn't a bad deal, so if the choice was a smartphone for free versus beer, I'd take the smartphone. Fortunately, however, we have enough income that we don't have to make that choice -- for those 15-20 occasions each year....

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The older I get, the less I care about alcohol. I'll have 15-20 drinks a year during social occasions,

I usually stop after a dozen or so. Oh wait, you didn't mean at each event, did you? Seriously though, I can't imagine living a life where I needed alcohol (again).

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I usually stop after a dozen or so. Oh wait, you didn't mean at each event, did you? Seriously though, I can't imagine living a life where I needed alcohol (again).

While I am only 21 (and I live in the US), I've never even had a sip of anything. 99% of the kids I grew up with started around age 15. I guess it's easy to see where I stand on the beer vs cell phone debate. Haha.

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Before I turned 21 I would have taken the beer every time. Since then the romance of drinking has worn off quite a bit. I'm only 22, and still enjoy a cold brew quite a bit, but I'd take the phone over beer at this point. There's other ways to have a good time, but there is only one way to call or text someone.

I'm in the 39% with the bathroom users haha. If someone texts me while I'm in the crapper I'm going to text back.

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Being lucid isn't a bad deal, so if the choice was a smartphone for free versus beer, I'd take the smartphone.

It's not like you HAVE to get drunk. I drink beer at least once every week yet I end up drunk maybe twice a year. Besides I hate talking on any kind of phone ahah.

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I'd give up beer for a Galaxy Nexus..... there's always liquor. ahaha Seriously though, being a 22 yr old I could go without either if I HAD to. But getting drunk with your bestfriends and girlfriend is always a great time. I'd have to flip a coin.

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If you choose beer, then you're able to interact phone-free with 43% of people, while also never again losing a phone when out drinking. Food for thought.

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i'm 26 and can throw down hard alcohol but i think my heavy drinking is past me, since i dont really care for beer and the taste i have to drink something like honey ale to kill the bitterness of certain beers. So i'd give up booze easily, the bottles of alcohol in my fridge aren't getting any mileage anytime soon

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Hell...normally I turn my phone off and have a beer on my patio to relax. I've said it many a time, if my phone was not being paid for, I would not have anything more than a "go" phone. That nice cold beer after a long hard day however....


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