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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Buying Graf?

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Apparently the rumor mill is active, Reebok is now trying to buy Graf and there factry. I will not give up my sources for this rumor, but it some what believable with all the things Reebok has done in hockey in such a short period of time. so i guess they are very serious about hockey. I wonder what we can expect for a rumor from NIKE. If i hear anything else i will keep you posted.

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Damn, I thought I heard Dada was buying Graf. Something about putting spinners on t'blades...calling them the Ice Sprewells...(I need to work on that and patent it)

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Damn, I thought I heard Dada was buying Graf. Something about putting spinners on t'blades...calling them the Ice Sprewells...(I need to work on that and patent it)
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they'd look sweet with the chrome holders. then the spinners in each little circle. till a pick hit them, and they started falling out.

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Christmas is coming. Ever see the light sets that continuously race from one end to the other? Same idea, but from one circle to the next in a similar pattern!

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<_< haha that spinna idea on the T'blades .......i was admiring my skates before a pratice and i thought of they exact same thing WTF ... i guess great minds just think alike :P

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