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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Help

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If Supremes fit you so well, why not stick with what works? That aside, the 11k's and Supremes are both distinctly different skates. The overall width might be similar, but the toe box dimensions, arch, and heel will feel different. The pitch of the skates will be different as well, with Tuuk's putting you more on your heels and E-Pro's putting you more on your toes. Gotta try a pair of 11k's on to be sure for yourself. Really good deals on the reebok's around though, $470 or so isn't too bad.

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Does it matter if you are up on your toes or back on your heels. I thought supremes were designed to make you go faster (as much as a skate can)

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I thought supremes were designed to make you go faster (as much as a skate can)

No skate will make you faster.

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Does it matter if you are up on your toes or back on your heels. I thought supremes were designed to make you go faster (as much as a skate can)

It doesn't matter one bit if you are up on your toes or back on your heels. You'll skate the exact same with either, it's just a matter of how you like your skates to feel. Personally I'm a fan of the RBK's, as I have the 7k's myself. BUT everyone is different with their skates. Go with whatever feels better for you.

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I wore supreme one90's the past 3 years and always bauers before that. I recently bought 11ks and tgey are AWESOME. I went with same size as my one90s and they fit perfectly. First skate on em was perfect.

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It doesn't matter one bit if you are up on your toes or back on your heels. You'll skate the exact same with either, it's just a matter of how you like your skates to feel. Personally I'm a fan of the RBK's, as I have the 7k's myself. BUT everyone is different with their skates. Go with whatever feels better for you.

Just wondering how you figure it doesn't matter if you are on your toes or heels?

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I was trying to say that if someone was looking at getting some new skates and was wondering if it was a bad thing for the holders to put you more on your heels or toes, in my opinion it wouldn't have an effect on your skating ability one way or the other, unless the player has a preference in that area. Or something along the lines of using e-pros won't make you a faster skater than someone using tuuks.

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I figured as much and I know no skate will make you go faster or slower. That's just marketing but when you read about the Vapors or the Supremes (I am more familiar with Bauer than any other brand), that's what the marketing stuff says. Of course, if you are slow on your feet, nothing save a rocket, will improve that. I just wonder if that marketing jargon had any truth to the matter of turning better or better acceleration. From what you guys are saying, it's personal preference and fit.

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From what you guys are saying, it's personal preference and fit.

I would go with the other way around in terms of importance, but that's all that matters.

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I figured as much and I know no skate will make you go faster or slower. That's just marketing but when you read about the Vapors or the Supremes (I am more familiar with Bauer than any other brand), that's what the marketing stuff says. Of course, if you are slow on your feet, nothing save a rocket, will improve that. I just wonder if that marketing jargon had any truth to the matter of turning better or better acceleration. From what you guys are saying, it's personal preference and fit.

Dosent vapor have a more aggressive stance and hence better performance? That was my understanding of Bauers marketing.

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Bauer's marketing is incredibly effective, to judge by the number of times we hear this cited.

LOL. My daughter visited the Bauer website a few months ago and said dad, "did you know my vapor skates make me faster". After I visited the sight, I thought, who would buy the Supremes or flexlites? Bauer basically tells their customers that Vapors are the ultimate skate.

Bauer's Website

Vapor - Built for the quick-footed player who thrives on acceleration.

Supremes - Designed for the power skater who maximizes every stride.

Flexlites - Fit to be faster for the player who wants out-of-the-box comfort.

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Bauer's marketing is incredibly effective, to judge by the number of times we hear this cited.

yes, their marketing has been fantastically effective over the last five or six years. It has been consistent as well, they haven't jumped all over the place with their product positioning.

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I'm sure it's also why the skate shop in the local rink ONLY carries Bauer equipment and sticks. Because the guy who runs the hockey program here thinks "Bauer is the best" so he essentially makes all the kids wear it.

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That could be the reason I don't see anything really other than Bauer or CCMs around our home rink. Sure there are a few Eastons and Reebok but mostly, its Bauer and the CCMs the local shop within the rink seems to carry. Who knows.

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Though I have only been hocking and fitting skates for coming on one year, I am convinced that although it coule be argued that Vapor is Bauer's #1 selling brand on the retail market (and the selection on the wall in our store reflects that) Supreme's fit the majority of feet way better.

My department manager certainly has "Vapor feet", but even a 2E is a bit too snug in my toes, and then the ankle is way too big.

To the OP: when I am not busy at the store in which I work, I like to try on skates just so I can let the customer know which ones feel good for me (at least in the store) and how others that feel less good fit (the old EQ's for example are way too shallow and the top of my foot hits above the eyelets). I find the CCM/Reebok fit (the two are similar) to feel bulky on my feet, too wide in the ankle/heel area like a Vapor, but still nice in the toe area (maybe a hair too wide). Unbaked, I like the fit of Supreme's the best. Loved Graf 735s baked at another chain. Just deciding which ones to go for. Probably gonna wait to feel the Nexus.

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