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Superfeet - has anyone tried them?

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I was considering trying out a set of Superfeet (Yellow) insouls in my Bauer RX:60's.

Just wondering if there has been anyone out that has tried them out and what was your experience with them?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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I've been using superfeet for a few years now. I have flat feet and found plenty of improvement after using superfeet. I even use superfeet blacks in my day to day shoes.

The only concern with them is the volume it takes up. If you have instep issues like a boot thats not deep enough then it will definitely make things worse. When I skate it missions volume wasn't much of a problem but when I switched bauer flexlites one of my feet was busting out. I didn't use the superfeet with my flexlites initially but after a few months I could use them without any problems.

Also they do alter the fit of the skate a bit so if you're happy with your fit/support I would probably not bother with them.

Good product nevertheless especially if you have feet problem like myself.

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I started using the superfeet yellow inserts because of some discomfort with my skates, basically my arch was not being supported so when I laced them up my feet were being flattened out and I was having arch soreness afterwards.

The extra arch support fixed this.

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If you don't have problems with your skates now I would not suggest getting them. As said above could be used to fix arch problems or fill up volume in your skate.

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I find that the performance benefits of Superfeet don't carry over as much into roller because there is greater stability in roller (on wheels) as compared to on ice (on edges).

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i have used my superfeet grey in several skates and love them because of the support.  i purchased the yellows also and they haven't fit properly in any of my skates partly because maybe they are wider and i don't buy wide skates but also the curvature of the skate bottom doesn't match up to the curvature of the hard plastic portion of the superfeet.

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Thanks for the feedback. I ended up buying a set of size G (size 13-15), as the next size down was just a smidge too small! I trimmed them up very carefully to match the Bauer foot souls. The certainly do take up more volume! However, they did feel more comfortable, especially after a full game. Normally my feet are a little soar after a game, I like my skates fairly tight. This time, no soarness. Unfortunately, I didn't seem to notice them while I was playing... maybe that is a good thing? :-)

Anyways, just for comparison, the next game, I switched back to the Bauer foot souls, and this is where I noticed a huge difference. Immediately I noticed my feet were aching and uncomfortable... so I put the Superfeet yellow's back into my RX:60's for good.

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I skated friday night and while waiting for the ice I noticed the balls of my feet were starting to hurt just standing there. It felt like I was standing on a tendon and it would roll over the bone. I looked to see if I had worn through my insoles and the were basically paper thin and I was stand on the rivets. I know stock insoles aren't meant to be great but I think I have flattened them out. I want to get some with a little thickness there but I don't really need anything thing orthotic.

Would dishing out the money for superfeet be worth it or is there another I might consider? I asked at a LHS and the guy said not to, it's a waste of money just for insoles and to go to CVS and pick up some doctor scholls, but I don't want the cushiony gel feel, just something a bit thicker near the toes.

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I had got them for ice skates, can't skate anymore without them.. and i do not have too many problems, just a bit of flat foot..

Anyway apart from not having problems of feeling the rivets and the hardness of the skate under the insole, it makes my feet not feel pain, and my knees feel better after a skating session.

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Sorry to revive this but I used the search function and got this. I'm wondering how much of a heel lift these actually give you. I'm not worried about volume, but I just got the new alkali skates and even for a roller hockey skate, they are pitched a good amount forward. I just want to make sure these won't drastically alter the stance as I don't want to be too far on my toes.

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i think the difference in heel lift is subtle..its hard to explain.. it didnt feel like much (in my mission assassins), but at the same time it was subtly noticeable.

which alkalis did you go for?

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I got the new RPD shifts. Haven't gotten to use them yet but they feel and look pretty good as far as I can tell.

Sweet thats the ones im going to go for when they come to the UK. Let us know how they perform

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I use them in my Bauer's. They def do provide some arch support but I'm not sure if they really helped me skate better persay.

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