Lefty718 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 What's up Guys,So...in my game 2 nights ago, I took a rocket of a slapper right off the right ankle and knew immediately that something was seriously wrong. I left, as I couldn't apply any kind of weight on it. Skipped the ER that night, because I've learned from past experience they're usually a waste of time. The next day I went to a specialist where x-rays were taken. Result: Fractured, tore ligament, and requiring surgery next week. Doctor told me it's going to all in all be a 2-3 month healing process, that will require PT therapy after, etc. This whole sudden blow, is so upsetting and devistating to me. Besides the obvious pain, and immobility I'm going through right now, not being able to play for months hurts the most. Coming from hockey being your life, and playing 4-5 times a week, to nothing is the hardest part. Just wondering if any guy's have had to deal with a broken ankle, and if so can give any advice in this time of need. I don't even want to watch hockey on TV, because it just makes me want to play even that much more.Bad time for me right now, and Just looking for support. Anything to make this ordeal go by faster.Thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tomv713 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 Keep your head up, man. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Machinehead2k5 32 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 Broke my ankle 2 years ago to the day. Snapped my fibula. It sucks but make sure you don't miss a PT appt and do your exercises at home. Here's to a speedy recovery.Here's my thread on it a couple years ago: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/51405-broken-fibula/page__hl__%2Bbroken+%2Bfibula__fromsearch__1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hockeymass 11 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 That's a hell of a clapper to break your ankle and tear the ligament. Wish you a speedy recovery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 Thanks for the support guys! Broke my ankle 2 years ago to the day. Snapped my fibula. It sucks but make sure you don't miss a PT appt and do your exercises at home. Here's to a speedy recovery.Here's my thread on it a couple years ago: http://www.modsquadh...__fromsearch__1Wow. Looks like you went through alot there! My surgery is next wednesday/thursday planned tentatively. For the time being, all I've been doing is keeping my ankle elevated on pillows either on my couch, or bed, and icing sessions in between. From date of your surgery, till you put on a pair of skates was how long you say? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lotus 2 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 Sorry to hear that man. I missed 4 months with a separated shoulder this year (my senior year). Surgery was recommended and deemed likely my only option. PT ended up doing a lot and I didn't "need" the surgery after all (not at all like your situation, you definitely need surgery =]). I played in 5 games all year...it sucks having to go to the games and knowing you can't help your teammates. I feel your pain, but you'll definitely find that you'll still enjoy the game.Take the PT VERY seriously, do everything they say the exact way they say it, as often as they say you should do it. Then ask what else you can do.I played a ridiculous amount of nhl be a pro mode on ps3 in my downtime. It was bittersweet :P. Also my grades skyrocketed as I wasn't "required" to go to practice. Try not to get too down on yourself, it happens to everyone. Oh, and play it up with the ladies. "Yeah, do what you gotta do ya know? I'm badass like that". :DBest of luck, hope you recover fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carodz 17 Report post Posted February 16, 2012 I injured the hell out of my ankle last April after my skate got caught in a rut on the ice, causing me to fall and simultaneously twist my ankle outward (imagine pointing your right foot outward to the right side and then falling backwards over it while it stays in place and that's pretty much what happened). I heard a pretty nasty popping noise on the way down and immediately knew something was busted.Turned out I broke my fibula and tore the deltoid ligament on the medial (inside) part of my ankle. Had surgery soon after to repair the bone and now I've got two screws as a souvenir. After that, the bone healed rather quickly, but the ligament has taken a whole lot longer to get back to 100%. I never went to any kind of PT even though it probably would have helped immensely, so this may be why it's taken so long. As an example, while I've got no measurable amount of pain currently, and I can exercise without pain (i.e. running and biking), my ankle still swells almost daily and I can still see residual bruising/scarring on the inside of my ankle where the ligament was torn. I'm pretty sure I'd be back at 100% a long time ago if I'd pursued physical therapy.Here are a bunch of random things I remember about my whole experience, just written as they come to mind:I regret going to the ER, as the entire experience was stupid. I spent ~3-4 hours there only for them to x-ray me, say "yup, it's broken", give me a pain pill which helped none, and wrap up my ankle in a soft cast. Afterward, dealing with their billing department was even more annoying (but I could rant about that for a while). You get asked a lot of questions if you sit in an ER waiting room wearing hockey pants. The orthopedic surgeon I was referred to and the hospital where he chose to do my surgery were freaking amazing. I got to pull a nerve block catheter out of my leg a few days after my surgery, which was one of the most bizarre feelings ever. After I'd been fixed up, I got a lot of cool support from the beer league team I was playing on when I got hurt, even though I hadn't known them very long. Not being able to drive for two months is incredibly annoying. My girlfriend is amazing and I still feel like I owe her for taking such good care of me through the whole thing. Crutches suck at first but can actually be kind of fun once you're used to them since you can "walk" a lot faster than everyone else if you're tall. Using crutches when you spend a lot of time on a college campus for work/finals can wear out the tips on your crutches pretty fast, and I highly recommend investing in some spare/replacement tips if you're going to use them a lot on concrete. Perhaps the worst part of it all is the feeling of not being able to do simple stuff you normally do with your hands when they are tied up acting as your legs (like carrying things and opening doors). Not being able to do stuff like that bothered me even though my friends/girlfriend all did them for me without even asking. Medical bills are not fun when you're a student, even though my parents' insurance AND USA Hockey's insurance covered a large part of them. It's been 10 months and I haven't been back on the ice, both because of my ankle's residual swelling and because of a small fear that I will step on the ice and immediately get hurt again. I'm sure I'll get over that after skating again and realizing it probably won't happen.I hope none of this has scared you, as it was just meant to be a bunch of things I remember about my overall experience, both good and bad. Keep us updated, and I hope you and your doctor can get you a speedy recovery. I agree with the post above mine in that having video games to play and TV to watch helps a lot while you've got nothing else to do but sit. Do you by chance have any x-rays of the fracture? For some reason I thought my x-rays showing the fracture before and the screws afterwards were just really cool to have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theGhost 0 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 That sucks! Crazy how easy something like that can happen! Hope it heals faster than expected! Ghost Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 Caro- Thanks for that reply. Though I think you should have done the PT! AND I think you should be back on the ice! It really does suck not being able to get around, and having to ask my dad for simple little things (feel like I'm becoming an annoyance even though I know he'll do whatever I ask.) It's just been Hella icing, and elevating the ankle. Not really moving all that much. Posted up on the couch, thank god for iPhones/iPads, and TV lol. Been just browsing eBay, and stuff for new gear to collect while I'm out. (Makes me feel a little better). Gotta find some good reads, and movies to keep me busy. Got my wrist roller out, and been doing a set or 2 of those a day, just to keep my wrists strong. Also got an old hockey stick to use to grab misc items I can't get up, or don't want to bother asking my dad. After surgery, how long was it till they said PT was ready to do? I guess every case is different, but just curious. I'll see if I can get a hold of xrays and post em up for sheer entertainment.Thanks for all the support thus far guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
metalwinger13 1 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 i broke my tibia and fibia a few years back and had 12 screws amd a plate installed around christmas. i was layed up for about 3 months and all i can say is try not to think about it and get out of the house when ya can so you do not go crazy. I did about 2 months of PT at 2-3 times a week and was back playing about a total of 9 months after. Just stay focus and talk with your therapist to try and model your exercises towards rebuilding the muscle your going to lose while the leg is inmobile. Good luck and speedy recovery Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 i broke my tibia and fibia a few years back and had 12 screws amd a plate installed around christmas. i was layed up for about 3 months and all i can say is try not to think about it and get out of the house when ya can so you do not go crazy. I did about 2 months of PT at 2-3 times a week and was back playing about a total of 9 months after. Just stay focus and talk with your therapist to try and model your exercises towards rebuilding the muscle your going to lose while the leg is inmobile. Good luck and speedy recoveryWhoa 12 screws! That's intense! Glad to hear you recovered well. Not sure when I'll start therapy, but will be sure to bring up with them my specific needs as an athlete and hockey player.thanks for the support guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Machinehead2k5 32 Report post Posted February 29, 2012 How's the rehab coming along? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vinny_R 1 Report post Posted February 29, 2012 I had to deal with a lot of ankles injuries when I was playing basketball. The only thing I can tell you from my differents experiences is do your rehab (good word???) completely and take your time to heal well because now it's been 10 years since the last big injury and I suffer from my 2 ankles everydays (particulary when the humidity is high), and twist my ankles about one time every 2-3 days because they aren't stroug enough and my doc told me that they won't be stonger cause the ligaments are loose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted March 25, 2012 Update:Monday will mark exactly 1 month from my surgery. It really was a painful 2 weeks immediately following surgery. Alot of pain, discomfort, basically hell. Was taking alot of much needed pain meds and resting all the time. Found it very hard to sleep at night because I could only lay on my back with leg elevated.(Gets old FAST) Hard to shower, go to the bathroom, walk up and down stairs. EVERYTHING!At the 2 week mark, I went back to the doctor for post-op vist. He removed the hard cast, and examined the incision/wound and told me I healed ahead of schedule. Stitches were ready to come out. YAY! I was then X-rayed to make sure everything was in place (which they were) and got a big removable aircast boot. Was really happy because at least I now I have freedom to take it off if needbe, even though I still wear it 23 hours a day...its the idea I guess.Have been instructed to be performing slight ankle pumps twice a day, which is to prevent scar tissue from forming, and increase mobility. Mind you, I can barely move my ankle, but every day I feel it gaining some strength/feeling. Still need to keep my ankle elevated about 90% of the day, but the swelling has gone down considerably. Monday, I start to put 10% weight on it, which I'm sure is gonna feel pretty weird. In another 2 weeks, I will be starting my physical therapy!All in all, it's been the hardest injury I've ever gone through. I think the hardest part about it, is that I can't play puck. Doing everything I can to make this recovery a fast one.A few pictures...My foot about a week after injury...Nasty!Post surgery Cast...X-ray Post op showing plates/screws...Stitches out. Healing up...Aircast boot now. Keeping the hands moving! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shooter27 116 Report post Posted March 25, 2012 Glad to hear you're feeling better. Do they take the screws/plate out once you're healed or are they a permanent souvenir? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted March 25, 2012 Glad to hear you're feeling better. Do they take the screws/plate out once you're healed or are they a permanent souvenir?I have the option if I want. Got to see how they feel in my skate boot. Hopefully I won't notice them, but if so it's a small procedure to remove. Nothing close to what I've already endured. Time will tell,,, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carodz 17 Report post Posted March 25, 2012 Nice hardware. Being out of a cast is a huge relief, congrats. Has your leg lost muscle mass/tone? I think that's part of what made putting weight on it again feel really weird for me, since strength was severely diminished. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted March 25, 2012 Nice hardware. Being out of a cast is a huge relief, congrats. Has your leg lost muscle mass/tone? I think that's part of what made putting weight on it again feel really weird for me, since strength was severely diminished.Absolutely! My calf feels like half jello. Quite depressing, but can't get hung up on it, out of my control. I've always been in good shape, and had a good diet. Making sure now more then ever I take my vitamin/mineral supplement daily, and eat greens/ lots of healthy protein to heal up as fast as I can. That muscle will come back, not worried in the least. Been monitoring my weight, and I have not gained any, actually lost a few pounds but put it back on, and I'm at my regular weight, even though ive lost muscle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stick9 897 Report post Posted March 26, 2012 Lefty, believe it or not, I can actully top those pics. Although, your scar is bigger than mine.I'll see if I can host the pics and link them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ktang 34 Report post Posted March 26, 2012 Why did they delay the surgery for one week? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted March 27, 2012 Why did they delay the surgery for one week?Was too swollen to be operated on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KABAROV 0 Report post Posted March 27, 2012 good luck on the speedy recovery! once you are more mobile might be good to go to some of your beer league team games as a "coach" so you can hang around the guys and at least get the atmosphere of the rink... hang in there man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lefty718 0 Report post Posted March 27, 2012 good luck on the speedy recovery! once you are more mobile might be good to go to some of your beer league team games as a "coach" so you can hang around the guys and at least get the atmosphere of the rink... hang in there man!Absolutely man! Have already planned on this, and can't wait to! Only reason I haven't been able to yet, is fact I gotta still keep it pretty much elevated 95% of my day. 2 weeks I start physically therapy, and within 2 weeks from that I'll be back at the rink. Boy, I'm getting chills just thinking about it! Thanks guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
datsyuk 0 Report post Posted April 8, 2012 sorry to hear about your injury bud, hope you get well soon, i was wondering did the shot hit you on the skate boot or did it hit you just where there is a gap between the shin gaurds and skate boot? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guffaw 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2012 Hang in there man. I just broke my right clavicle in half and i'm out at least 12 weeks so i know how you feel.Same question as above? Is it something that can be prevented in the future? Longer shin pad? I'm just always looking for a "fix". Like in my case i'll be wearing a top notch shoulder pad and no more diving for pucks. I actually used to block shots in big games but after seeing your injury, never again.Been doing alot of the same things. Good diet, high protein, calcium, Vit D, good multi vitamin, no ibuprofen or Motrin(some say ant inflam slow healing) and trying to get good rest. Bones heal so slow though.Good Luck man and follow DR. orders. No going back too soon... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites