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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Effective way to reduce wear on your palms

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I've moved to making the knob and ribs with cloth tape, and then going over it with a layer of athletic stretch tape. Stuff is fantastic, lots of grip.

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Just take a razor blade to the Tacki-Mac if it is too big. That is a standard Tacki-Mac.


Can't seem to find this kind of Tacki Mac. I'd love to try it as I've only tried the sand and kane. Which one is it and where can I buy it from? Thanks!

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clear tape over stick tape or athletic tape for a softer feel is what usually do.

I still can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would do this.

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I've been using something similar to what was described earlier. I put a layer of white tape along the top seven inches or so of the shaft, then do a thick "candy-cane" layer for grip, then cover that with another layer of white, and go around the very top to create a small butt end. Then I cover that in clear/shine tape. Works wonders. I still get grip from the "candy-cane" wrapping and butt-end, but it has definitely reduced wear on my gloves.

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Awesome to hear how everyone else tapes up their stick. Also want to add that a lot of these things will help with wear on your top hand, but your bottom glove will probably wear out quicker if you are using a grip stick. I've seen people add tape down towards the middle of the shaft as well. Anyone else do this?

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for me it is the top hand that has the most wear.
As for the taping up top I just use regular stick tape, after 4 seasons my palms are showing some holes.. which is too bad

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just ordered the wrapped tacki-macs....i used the sand grip one when I was much younger and when I moved up to senior sticks my LHS didnt carry the tackis and so I just kept on with tape. In the last month Ive gotten 2 new pairs of gloves and was seeing rapid wear happening and decided (after all the advice here) to go back to tacki-mac

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I have learned that black "hockey tape" has oils in it that actually destroy the top hand palm, whereas the white tape does hardly does any damage except for friction itself.

I have been using the white tale for the past 40 years and all I do is start a one white strip then pull the tape out about 15" and twirl it into a thick string like pattern then wrap this around the top to give the grip some depth. Then lay another turn or two around this just to tidy things up.

This lasts for a long time and I am quite satisfied with it. No need to purchase an expensive "grip".


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Having problems posting, multiple duplications. Sorry!

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I know I've said this multiple times, but Tacki-Mac is the answer. I've used the sand ones and haven't looked back for at least six years now.

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