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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'd like to see the other easton gloves (namely the airs if they're still in the lineup) if it's at all possible.

Also, does bauer have anything in the way of a glove replacing the supreme line? I know the vapors have a new edition but the Supreme line is getting a bit old in the tooth.. just curious.

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the stuff is alright.. im using a Digi-Cam... i dont have the time to take picture perfect pictures..... lmao... thats a weird analogy

anway... yes it is indeed yzerman at the top and gaborik downlow. Word is, is that Graf would like to go HEAVY into equipment as well... like HEAVY... like what we see in Bauer and Easton. they are doing alot of R&D right now for it... Honestly.. if Graf came out with awesome gear like that... id sport it for sure.... just my thoughts. lol..

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ok man, u always conflit with just me. lol, i already knew that... but this is different. this is comming from the president of graf what theyre doing... not merging with anyone... all by themselves...

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Sorry you perceive it as such.

Personally, I don't think Graf equipment would go over all that well. It's failed so far...I think these SFS stores need to get off of Graf's jock...it's not THAT great...

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lol my bad too then! ya they have failed in the equip. so far!! i dont know if it would fly either.... but i love the logo. lol

the skates actually are great!! its not just SFS... its the company.... theres a reason they sell and why many many pros and minors use them

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Actually fewer of the younger pros are using Grafs. They're way overpriced at the retail level and you can get much better product for the same money. The only graf product I liked was the original 700 glove but they changed it right away and cut corners on materials. The fingers were insanely short but the palms were nice.

JR, it's because they're a Canadian company and the logo looks cool. :rolleyes:

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lol yes ure right.... i like to support it. lol... but ya were all right in our own ways for sure... nothin to argue about.... personal preference right!?

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hey Mint can you write down the specs for the pro tack(like the height..if there is..) from what is written on your sheet??

because of the digi-cam i can't read it(no offense by the way....!!!)i oinly have a webcam so i would not be able to get good pic too!!!

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hey guys when will this new synergy sl and st be released. and how come it is in the catalogue but not on the easton hockey website???? the do look pretty sweet :P :D

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hey guys when will this new synergy sl and st be released. and how come it is in the catalogue but not on the easton hockey website???? the do look pretty sweet :P :D

They are 2005 products and will not be available via retail for several months. Easton will not announce them publicly for at least another couple of months.

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i cant believe they are making stealth juniors... i think making junior OPs is stupid... i know people buy them and they want the $$ but i hate seeing an 8 year old kid buy a synergy... and now a stealth? if i recall when easton first came out with the synergy they said it was designed for senior (adult) players...

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It's simple: It's another stick Easton can get parents to buy for a kid who thinks that stick will make any sort of difference at that age.

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no new blades persay.. ill try to get around to that measurement stuff on the protacks some time this week! lol.. some of this pics (later on) are actually hi-res pics taken with a digi cam! :blink: LOL! ill also look into scanning them shortley! so some of the owners had a meeting with mission this past week to look at the new skate and also talk about new OPS.... word is they couldnt release it on time so they couldnt debut it.. the people in the meeting had to sign wavors to not say anything about it but i was told it was "really amazing stuff"

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the theorys or technology on the new stick.. its wavored though and cannot be talked about by law

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