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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXX Skates Release Date?

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Does anyone know when the Vapor XXX's come out. Most websites say "Holiday Season" but when exactly is that. It seems like stores should at least have demo skates out on display by now.

Also does anyone that lives in the Metro area of Minnesota know which shops are going to carry this skate. I only ask because the shop closest to my house (Westwood Sports) just got the Synergy skate in a week or two ago.

Thanks Alot.

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My LHS told me Dec. 1 is when they're supposed to be getting them in, i have my pair ordered. They're saying decembber 1st, but they also said don't really expect them until about the 10th. I'm hoping to have them for the end of december before my team heads to Owatonna for a big tourny.

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Does anyone know when the Vapor XXX's come out. Most websites say "Holiday Season" but when exactly is that. It seems like stores should at least have demo skates out on display by now.

Also does anyone that lives in the Metro area of Minnesota know which shops are going to carry this skate. I only ask because the shop closest to my house (Westwood Sports) just got the Synergy skate in a week or two ago.

Thanks Alot.

You have to ask the store.

It is a limited allocation (big dealers)

Our store won't be getting them til 05.

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Where do you live? Westwood is about a mile away from my house. I'll ask somebody if they are getting them or not tomorrow for you, I know a few people that work there.

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we already have the XXX gloves in! have had them in for lil over a week now

skates suposed to be Dec.9 and i dont remember about the stick

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How much are the XXX's going to be in USD$?

When I spoke with one of the guys at Great Skate he told me $479.99.

www.totalhockey.net has them for $459.99

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Does anyone know when the Vapor XXX's come out. Most websites say "Holiday Season" but when exactly is that. It seems like stores should at least have demo skates out on display by now.

Also does anyone that lives in the Metro area of Minnesota know which shops are going to carry this skate. I only ask because the shop closest to my house (Westwood Sports) just got the Synergy skate in a week or two ago.

Thanks Alot.

i work at westwood in AV.. what one did you go to? and yes we WILL have XXX's... not too sure where u got that. any ways, were saposed to get themthe week of december 16th, jsut what i was told...

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Yea I live by the Westwood in Apple Valley. I didn't ask anybody if they would get them in or not I just kind of assumed that you wouldn't get them right away since it took you guys a long time to get the Stealth and the Synergy skates.

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Yea I live by the Westwood in Apple Valley. I didn't ask anybody if they would get them in or not I just kind of assumed that you wouldn't get them right away since it took you guys a long time to get the Stealth and the Synergy skates.

it took us a long time? actually, we have a very strong account with easton and USUALLY GET the new stuff as soon as any other LHS's i kno there are a lot of LHS's still waiting for the SyN skates and Stealths.

where are you from? do i know you?

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does neone know when the XXXs are comeing to canada, i need a pair

Your best bet is to call your LHS and ask them if they're part of the initial allocation, and if so when they will be getting them. Some will have them next week, some won't.

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