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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer apx or apx pro gloves?

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I had the same choice to make between the X60 and X60 and although they are not exactly the same they are similar. It is all about personal preference but I went with the pro b/c I did not like all the extra junk on the regular X60 palms.

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i have the x60's and wish i went with the x60 pro. i did a dumb impulse buy and didnt know the pro option was available. all the sticky things on the finger tips peeled off within a month or 2, and one of the palm rubber pads peeled off too after about 6 months. i like the pro cuff more too.

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Think I answered my own question. Tried on both again and stick handled a little bit. The fourteens are about perfect length wise as far as meeting my elbow pad. Problem is that the fingers are a little long for how I like them to fit. Not only that when I grip the stick it feels like there is a little excess material in the palms. Like they're too long there. Make sense ? I ended up with size 13 reebok 4 roll 7000. They are a tad shorter than the apx but still provide good protection on the outside of my forearm. On the inside around my wrist my arm is exposed but all gloves are. Right? I'll see if I can post pics.

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If i have x60 pro now that i need to replace is apx pro similar fit and sizing please?

Yes, the sizing is similar.

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Very similar. I had X:60 Pros, and was really impressed with the ApX Pros...but I just couldn't justify spending 179 bucks on new gloves. Shame, because I really liked them.

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Very similar. I had X:60 Pros, and was really impressed with the ApX Pros...but I just couldn't justify spending 179 bucks on new gloves. Shame, because I really liked them.

Which gloves did you opt for to replace your x60 pros?

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Well, they're something you would have to physically try on to fully know. They're two completely different styles of gloves. The CL's are built more like the 4-Rolls.

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They're both tapered fit gloves. CL's fingers are longer and tighter fitting, and the cuff is also more open than on the APX pros.

CL's run a bit bigger overall.

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Anyone notice significant differences with the protection in the APX Pro's? I actually prefer the stretch palm of the regulars becuse I find it maintains its qualities over the long term vs getting crusty and stiff with the nash. But the lack of PE inserts is giving me pause.I just can't see the HD molded foam being as protective as PE, even if it the high tech stuff.

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