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Which kind of shots do you prefer to use in a game? snap or wrist shot and is it...

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Which kind of shots do you prefer to use in a game? snap or wrist shot and is it fair to say that most NHL players use a snapshot most often... Personally, I almost always use a snapshot...

Here is a perfect video of a perfect snapshot:

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I feel the snap shot is a new NHL move. Sure, they were used a decade or two ago, but the prolific scorers have gone from wrist shots to snap shot variations.



Sakic, Modano, Bondra


Heater, Gabby, Semin

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Pffft that was such a flutter puck.

Anyway, as a defenceman it's mostly wristers or slap shots for me. Can't get the power from the point on a simple snapper in my case.

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Depends on the situation, I really don't have a go to shot. With time and space, I tend to pre-load my stick and then snap it off. Something between a wrist and snap shot.

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I shoot mostly wristers. I probably don't use my slap shot enough. If I'm in tight and need to get it on net quickly (and I'm on my forehand in a position to do it), it's almost always a one-time snap shot.

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Probably 99% wristers. The snap shot isn't something I can do without thinking about it (lack of practice, plain and simple) and I rarely feel like I have the time and space to wind up for a slapshot (again, lack of practice mostly).

If I get a chance for a slapshot I'll take it, but especially playing defense I have to be very confident I'll get it past the blocking forward if there is one; I hate having the puck bounce back out to neutral and having to race for it.

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Mostly wrist shot for me. If I'm in tight then maybe a snap shot since I don't have time to load the stick. But I definitely prefer to load the stick for more power with the wrister (due to me being a light weight).

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Snap shot variances over wrist shot variances because there usually isn't enough time to load the wrister. If I have a lot of time, I prefer to just rip a slapper.

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How many here are in a league that doesn't allow slapshots?

We're allowed, though sort of frowned upon. Which is fine with me anyways. Just curious how many others play with similar rules?

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How many here are in a league that doesn't allow slapshots?

We're allowed, though sort of frowned upon. Which is fine with me anyways. Just curious how many others play with similar rules?

We're allowed and they're not frowned on, although blocking one will merit incredulous stares/comments from damn near everyone on the ice. :laugh:

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Wrist for me i always play D so i can load the shot up nice and send it in..

If there is a good opportunity i will take the slapshot, but i find myself only going 75% on the slapshot so the puck gets sent in mid height between the knee and skate giving the forwards good deflection options or at least i think i do.

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I like snap shots since its the fastest

We're allowed and they're not frowned on, although blocking one will merit incredulous stares/comments from damn near everyone on the ice. :laugh:

Most leagues that don't allow slap shots are development leagues where most guys are still learning shot techniques which poses a risk of guys getting hit in the face with high sticks from the wind up or follow through. I think banning slap shots is a double edge sword, on one side its a safety risk on the other side it prevents players from progressing to a higher level of play.

Snap shots can be just as affective as a slap shot

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Wrist for me i always play D so i can load the shot up nice and send it in..

If there is a good opportunity i will take the slapshot, but i find myself only going 75% on the slapshot so the puck gets sent in mid height between the knee and skate giving the forwards good deflection options or at least i think i do.

Yeah, I don't have the hardest slapshot on the ice (as confirmed by speed gun this August :rolleyes:) but it's almost always low and on net, which is more important to me.

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I was using my slap shot very often when I was playing defense, then I started to practice my wrist shot. Now I only use my wrist shot cause I can fake the shot and make a pass for the guy back door (sound weird... sorry) and also because I now play offense in a non-slapshot league. Snap shot always go too high because my curve pattern is too ''curvy''.

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The beer league I'm in now doesn't allow slapshots, but I don't think I've ever taken one in a game even growing up. I've always preferred the wrist shot but I use snap shots quite a bit, too. It depends on the situation, snap shots tend to have a quicker release for me so I'll use those in a situation when I need to get off a shot fast, but my wrist shot is much more accurate so if I'm picking a corner I'll tend to use that.

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