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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A vote for the worst color combo on a glove...

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That was a Monkey SMU I think. They (or someone else) had a bunch of strange colors in the four roll. Not pro, just another SMU.

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Are those black or navy? If navy, those actually look like gloves the Barrie Colts in the OHL could wear (though I know they wear plain navy/white).

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The image was too large so I'll link.


It's the Reebok 4roll Pro retail black with gold and a red cuff roll. I don't understand...

Those aren't so bad, they could probably use a bit more balance in the colors (a little more highlighting with the red or gold), but I'd wear them.

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Are those black or navy? If navy, those actually look like gloves the Barrie Colts in the OHL could wear (though I know they wear plain navy/white).

They are black. Like stated it's the balance of colors. Just terribly designed glove all in all. I like ever other retail colorway but that one is just horrid.

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