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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Tapered Blades

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It looks somewhat similar but im nut sure about the lie, I tried a gionta and its nothing like the kreps/E28. I think the kovy is just a bigger gionta retail( correct me if im wrong)

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after calling pshg and asking my lhs aswell as attempting to reach out to a friend with ahl equipment contacts. i just ordered 2 harrow ovi clones. they might not be optimal but they will do the trick.

thanks for all the input.

sent from my tablet disregard spelling :)

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Is the kovy pro that similar?

this clip shows ronning with the kovy curve.. he does mention that kovy goes through many different patterns throughout the year, so it is just one of many for him.. I have also seen a few Kreps that vary as well.

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I've got to think that a blade that long in a short hoseled taper blade wouldn't work, due to the stress on the hosel and the way it would goof up the weighting of the stick.

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I'm thinking about ordering a couple of blades from base, but cannot find the price anywhere... does anyone know how much they are?

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I'm thinking about ordering a couple of blades from base, but cannot find the price anywhere... does anyone know how much they are?

Custom blades or ones they have already have in production? If it's one of their curves, then they are $60 a piece the last time I checked. If it's custom, then you will have to pay a $1,500 mold fee.

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I'm thinking about ordering a couple of blades from base, but cannot find the price anywhere... does anyone know how much they are?

I think they were around $60 last time I ordered (a couple years ago).

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Just got an email from Base saying they're currently offering custom patterns if you order 12+ of their Supernatural or Nasty models "You can now get your own custom mold via BASE's limited time custom mold program. If you purchase 12 SuperNaturals or Nasty sticks we will make your custom mold for you. We do need an existing physical blade to make the mold and it must be in the correct hand (we cannot mirror a blade). You can send it in to BASE and then we will have your mold on file for additional purchases with no minimum stick limit."

Seems like there's a few members on here that would be into it

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This is the rest of the email Base sent out on 3/12/14

We only have capacity for 10 molds at the current time so the first 10 customers will be able to take advantage of this offer. Please contact your local rep or you can also contact Drew at the head office by dialing 1-888-728-6977.

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