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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nice Hair Cut...

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Would you be so kind as to point out where this was said, because I seem to be missing it.

By having that cut into his hair he is showing the world that he is a major douchebag. Well that, and that tweet with the cash in Vegas, alledgedly skipping out on his dinner checks, etc.
Haha what a tool. I can see him getting run out of town eventually with all the negative publicity he gets.
If Evander Kane's only true purpose in life is to get Winnipeg media to hate him, well...he's doing pretty well so far.

All for a haircut. It's pathetic.

Sadly, any time race can be a factor for some people, it will be. I couldn't care less about his race and ignore those that do. I really think that too many people have lost the ability to reasonably discuss any topic and rely on straw men to discredit people that disagree with them, rather than present facts and back up their position.

No, the sad part is that racism is clearly not a straw man argument yet.

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All for a haircut. It's pathetic.

No, the sad part is that racism is clearly not a straw man argument yet.

I'm still not seeing the part where he's embarrassing the organization. Some people are overreacting to this, yes, but you seem to be reading things into comments that aren't there.

In any case, this whole discussion seems to have reached an absurd level.

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Though in his case, I think both are true. Not just because of the haircut though; It's just one more thing on a long list.

I'd love to hear the list.

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I'm still not seeing the part where he's embarrassing the organization. Some people are overreacting to this, yes, but you seem to be reading things into comments that aren't there.

In any case, this whole discussion seems to have reached an absurd level.

If anything, the Byfuglien drinking and boating embarasses the organization more than anything Kane has done or has been accused of doing.

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So, the only thing that is bad is the dine-and-dash stuff, which I haven't even found a confirmation on - just rumors.

Great poll out of Winnipeg - look at the choices; 16 comments, not ONE on the 4th poll choice. And that choice has as many votes as "no."


I can't believe that any website would publish a poll like that. It's one thing to expect some percentage of the population to be rednecks and mouth breathers but no media company in their right mind would publish a poll with an obvious racist angle. There is a line between racial commentary and racist commentary, that is way over the line.

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So, the only thing that is bad is the dine-and-dash stuff, which I haven't even found a confirmation on - just rumors.

Great poll out of Winnipeg - look at the choices; 16 comments, not ONE on the 4th poll choice. And that choice has as many votes as "no."


That's a pretty ridiculous poll, I can't believe they would post something like that.

Also, I just read this article on Yahoo which has an interesting point of view on the whole situation:


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I just ran across a teaser for the forthcoming article on Kane and his statement. The author has very high praise for him:

"When I met with Kane in Montreal two weeks ago for the story that will appear in our March 4 issue, it was the first time I had ever met him. I was struck by how a 21-year-old kid could be so engaging, so comfortable in his own skin and so well spoken. It was just a 30-minute conversation, but it left an indelible impression."


I'm glad to read that and hope that Kane can live up to the standard Campbell's praise sets for him.

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