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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate radius

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im wondering about my skate radius. Ive been using a 7 foot radius since ive been 12. Wondering if I should change this. I play forward, and im 6'4 215 pounds. any recommendations for a different radius? or should 7 be alright?

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7' is pretty short for a larger skate, it teters too much and balance is terrible. As your runner size gets larger, a larger radius is more appropriate. You didn't say what size skate you have but try something larger and compare to what you have now. Or, if you like the turning of the 7', you can stay with that if you go with a combination radius with a 7' in front and a larger one in the rear.

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I would try the 9ft first and then play from there. I personally would go a 9-10 to start that is usually my base setting for a larger player depending on what they want to do and what they tell me.

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I would have to ask, why are you looking to change? Different measurements will help with different skating characteristics. If it is something that you are used to why not stay? if you are looking to just tinker than go up slightly like others have said by going 9, then from there up to 11 if need be, But it might be best to think about what you are looking for first and then make the right moves. I used to have so many customers think skates needed to be rockered/Radiused and all they needed was a lift kit or some other minor adjustment

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thanks guys!! and oldtrainerguy28 put it perfectly. to increase speed and be more stable on the ice.

and funny you say 9-10. was told that by one of my skating coaches today.

he said making a jump from 7 to 11 would be too drastic.

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Just because something is serviceable doesn't mean it can't be improved.

So true. When I was young I use to love Andre' Champagne, $1.99 a bottle. It was only after I tried Dom Perignon, did I realize that Andre' was pisswater. ;-)

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I just had a new set of runners set up for me with a combo 8'/13' radius with just a hair of forward pitch. I'm 6'1 220 and this set up has worked well for me. I'm also using a FBV sharpening.

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