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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate width fit (with pics)

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I have vapor x4.0 which are my first pair. 6d size. I tried on reebok and ccm and they felt too wide. Didn't try on Easton. I wasnt very informed so I didn't try on supreme ahead of time because I was told they were for wide feet. I'll get to that later.

Length wise the vapors feel good. I wonder if they may be too narrow. See the picture. I also feel like my ankle isn't locked on enough and that the volume may be a little too low. If I lace them too tight I think I cut off circulation (feet get cold)

I've been skating on them 2-4 days a week for 9 months do they r broken in.

Anyway, tried on supreme one.whatever 350$ pair. My ankle felt way more locked than vapor. They did feel a bit wider though and that's why I held off.

So here are my pics in vapor. Seeing if these are narrow on me and if I could go with a wider boot. So u know, it's about 2 inches to 3.5 wide at points.




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I forgot to mention that I use the yellow super feet. I will take a pic tomorrow with them removed and see how it looks.

With my pic and description above, any recommendations? I know I have to try on everything but hoping I may get steered in the right direction. I'm waiting for mako rbz and new vapor to come out. Gonna try them all first.

To add I tried to remove super feet a bout 2 months ago and felt like I couldn't skate without them . At least not as well as I could with them.

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Here is a pic without super feet. Still about 3.5 inches at the widest point. Does volume look as bad in previous pic?

It seems no skate will be a perfect fit for width, volume, heel lock etc. what's most important? Like I said the supreme had a real good feeling heel but way have been a tad too wide.

I'll try the grafs also


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Just digging this up for any other suggestions. Graf may not be an option cause I may not be able to try before I buy.

I think something with a better ankle lock and some more volume would help.

Also, do the yellow super feet I use make that big a difference in volume that they could be causing the issue?

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+1 for yellow superfeet decreasing your volume/ I use them in my vapors, and it puts me on the CUSP of being too shallow of a skate. WITHOUT them, I pass that pencil test, but with them the pencil rubs.

What socks are u using? Maybe a superthin pair of performance socks and STOCK insoles would help increase your volume a little? Try without superfeet and barefoot. Re-evaluate again.

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Are vapors in general that much more shallow than other skates? I fail the test with the super feet and I'm pretty sure I also failed without. I took them out one time and felt like I couldn't skate. Felt real weird.

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Wow... you sure are busting out of those.... Not sure what else has more volume then that but I would trust Chadd on this. You can always order without sharpening and return if needed.

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It's weird because from all accounts I have a normal arch and small feet in general

Hard to imagine looking at those pics. I have fairly big feet - not massive Yeti/Sasquatch feet but big enough and I wear EE vapors and depth is perfect.

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I don't think a 6D Supreme will be too wide for you based on what those pictures are showing us. I'd try a Nexus on as well for context.

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Here is the super feet and supreme footbeds. The length looks ok. Weird cause I never thought I had wide feet. Maybe I have high arches and that's why they appear so wide.


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Width doesn't really appear to be your issue. It looks like it's just a problem with volume.

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Nexus and Supreme "D" will be wider than your Vapor D just as an FYI. Unless you jump up to a TotalOne(NXG) where a C is equal to a Vapor D.

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I'm going to skate without super feet today and see how it goes.

Do supremes have that much more volume than vapor to compensate for the volume issue u see here?

I gotta get out and try some other stuff on. I may be up in the south jersey Philly area this summer. What's a good place/knowledgeable peeps in the area to get fitted.

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Skated without super feet. Pic below. How does the volume and width look?

My feet didn't go numb like usual but there was a little discomfort in some spots that I usually don't get. Also, I felt not as stable, a little wobbly and didn't feel as powerful as opposed to having the super feet in. Maybe I just have to get used to not using them.



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Trust me, its a volume issue. I struggled for awhile with this. Try a pair of Nexus skates. Deepest and widest I've seen out there. Graf makes very deep skates too, but theya aren't as easy to find in my neck of the woods and have a very forward position on them that I didn't like (you are pitched forward like you are on your toes).

Other than that, good luck. I'm so glad Bauer addressed the volume issue by introducing the Flexlite/Nexus because there really isn't much of an alternative.

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Day 2 of not using yellow super feet. Feet didn't get cold. Thinking I solved the circulation issue by getting rid of the super feet. I felt more stable and less wobbly than the other day. But I feel like I have to work a lot harder to get the same speed and power with my strides. Maybe just have to get used to skating without them.

I usually skate 3 days a week and want to be smart about my next purchase as far as right fit and right price point/stiffness/ etc

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Your skates still look far to pulled apart as a result of volume. I bet you suffer from having to crank the laces to not feel wobbly, but get pain from this. And if you don't crank the laces, you feel very little support and feel like you are "on top" of the skates, right?

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