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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What flex are you using?

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5'8" about 2 hundo. I've gone up and down in flexes over the years but I found anything under 80 flex is too a whippy for me so back up 85. I cut about 3ish inches off in a p88 style And about 2-2.5 off p9 curves.

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I have been using a CCM Ultra Tacks at full retail length in 85 flex. When I'm using a Bauer, it is again full retail length and 82 flex.

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I've got 2 sticks currently.

1x ABHS 85 flex & 1x ABHS 100 flex

6'3" 190ish lbs

I usually use the 85 flex, but I'll use the 100 flex when I am playing Defense

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5'11" 225lbs.. (180cm 100kg)

I now only use 2-picece sticks. Flex varies from ~70ish int flex - 100flex shafts all cut down so the stick comes up to my collarbone in skates.

What flex i use for the day is depending on if i'm pain free in shoulders or/and elbows.

Sticks i rotate.

Tps Redlite xn10 int flex shaft + Tps x1 blade

Warrior ak27 85 flex shaft + Tps x1 blade

Warrior Dynasty 85 flex cut ops + Easton se16 blade

Bauer one95 100 flex shaft + Tps x1 blade (shaft cut at 122 flex mark)

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