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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to De-Stink Hockey Gear using common sprays found in supermarket/ hardware store

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I am far, far away from a hockey retailer. My equipment is being hauled out here. The policy enforcement agents at the airport do not like to let liquids through, so I will be unable to have a "made for hockey equipment spray" brought out here. (I am not even going to bother trying, I just want my gear to get out here safely.) Does anyone have recommendations of a spray that will de-stink the equipment, without compromising the integrity of the materials of the gear? I saw in the Reebok 20K review that Buzz is using "ZEP" spray, and I will be asking him about that.

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50-50 mix of the mint rubbing alcohol and peroxide has been suggested a number of times. Not as good as some of the specialized solutions but it works pretty well.

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Febreeze makes a sport specific spray that works pretty well, not as well as the hockey stuff.

When I needed it and was too lazy or was not able to get to the store, I've used a solution of rubbing alcohol diluted with water that did the trick.

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Febreeze makes a sport specific spray that works pretty well, not as well as the hockey stuff.

When I needed it and was too lazy or was not able to get to the store, I've used a solution of rubbing alcohol diluted with water that did the trick.

Febreze sport always worked pretty well for me however its a lot harder to find now. Like said above you can always mix about 50/50 rubbing alcohol and water. I've heard of some people throwing there stuff in the pool and the chlorine kills everything but I'm not willing to try it. If you're willing to order online there is a spray call Arxodos. Its expensive but I've had pretty good results with it.

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You want Febreeze Antimicrobial.

Works best when you start with new gear, but if your stuff isn't too far gone, it should get the job done.

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+1 for the Febreeze Sport. And it is a pain to find now. If I happen to see it at Target, I usually will buy two bottles because God knows when you'll see it again...

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Febreeze sport does work really well, but I find that I go through a bottle really quickly.

Based on some recommendations here and on some other boards I've gone with the rubbing alcohol/water solution as well. I do a 3 parts water to 1 part rubbing alcohol and that seems to do the trick. If you have some really rank gear the 50/50 mix might be needed. The best part is you can finding rubbing alcohol at nearly every store and it is way cheaper.

If you look at the back of Febreeze sport the ingredients are Water, Alcohol, & Fragrance. So the only thing missing from the homemade mix is the Fragrance.

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thanks for the tips. my wife hates the funk which is permeating our house having two kids and myself who play. As silly as this sounds, I assume you just mix up the alcohol, put it into a spray bottle and spray on the gear. Wife wants to use Lysol but I have stopped her, saying it could be bad on the skin. Thoughts?

Andy in Peoria

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thanks for the tips. my wife hates the funk which is permeating our house having two kids and myself who play. As silly as this sounds, I assume you just mix up the alcohol, put it into a spray bottle and spray on the gear. Wife wants to use Lysol but I have stopped her, saying it could be bad on the skin. Thoughts?

Andy in Peoria

Definitely don't use lysol or any other type of hard surface cleaner. The equipment will absorb what ever you spray on it and irritate your skin if its not safe. So lysol is a no go. Just do a 50/50 mix of rubbing alcohol and water. Works fine for me.

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Thanks. I showed her that and she put the aerosol can down. :) Will give it a try in the AM. My son and I are both playing tomorrow so we'll see. thanks again.

Andy in Peoria.

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The best way is to not let the gear get smelly in the first place. Spraying with anything (alcohol, Febreze, etc.) will help but is most effective if you put your gear somewhere to dry where it can air out - like on a rack or hanging somewhere, not sprayed and stuffed in a closet or back in your bag. My gear doesn't get stenchy because I don't ever let it sit in a pile in my bag and stay damp. It goes in my hockey closet, into my 9-cube hanging organizer. The big cubes get the helmet, skates, gloves, the smaller ones get elbows (i have two pairs i use alternatively), shins (one each), and socks/jerseys/etc. i hang my shoulders on a hanger and my pants and empty bag on a hook on the wall. The closet door is left open with a fan pointing at it all night. Usually, unless it's this hot humid time of year, I can shut it all in the morning. I try to wash socks, jerseys and base layer stuff on a weekly basis. With a 2 year old in the house, there's always a load of laundry to be done, so that's pretty easy to do. And nothing ever smells.

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I never know about the 50/50 mix, I will have to try it. I have used regular Febreeze before, it seemed to work, but then again I hang out my gear in the garage, and my garage smells like hockey gear!!!

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The best way is to not let the gear get smelly in the first place. Spraying with anything (alcohol, Febreze, etc.) will help but is most effective if you put your gear somewhere to fry where it can air out - like on a rack or hanging somewhere, not sprayed and stuffed in a closet or back in your bag. My gear doesn't get stenchy because I don't ever let it sit in a pile in my bag and stay damp. It goes in my hockey closet, into my 9-cube hanging organizer. The big cubes get the helmet, skates, gloves, the smaller ones get elbows (i have two pairs i use alternatively), shins (one each), and socks/jerseys/etc. i hang my shoulders on a hanger and my pants and empty bag on a hook on the wall. The closet door is left open with a fan pointing at it all night. Usually, unless it's this hot humid time of year, I can shut it all in the morning. I try to wash socks, jerseys and base layer stuff on a weekly basis. With a 2 year old in the house, there's always a load of laundry to be done, so that's pretty easy to do. And nothing ever smells.

This has been my strategy, and so far so good. First thing when I get home, put my stuff onto the bars of the balcony, and I am good. Every time I am out on my balcony hanging my gear (nevermind my lungs lol), I question whether the horribly polluted air out here will accelerate the degradation of my equipment, and will just keep an eye on it I suppose.

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