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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Skates were butchered

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Yeah, I sent my skates into the city to get them reriveted and fixed or whatever. Reason is because I got light speeds put on them at my local hockey store and they did a crappy job so I had to send them away to get the job done right. Got a call back today from the guy in the city and he explained how butchered my skates were.. they are like totally screwed, holes everywhere and the guys at my LHS forced the light speeds onto my G35s and had them installed crookedly. Anyways, this is just ranting.

I would greatly advise everyone to understand the importance of letting a professional handle your skates. DO NOT send them to someone who is just average, send them to a pro and make sure whatever you are doing gets done right.. can end up costing you a lot of money, in my case, $740.00 CAD.

ugh life sucks then you marry someone that wont.

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The problem is there is not a lot of professional, I think the only professionals near me are in Florida and in Central PA. ;)

Who in Florida?

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Soo your LHS is responseable for wrecking your skates and there not going to do anything about it? Not even give you a credit or a new pair or nothing :huh:

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Eh, guy that works at the store is my coach.........

It doesn't matter who it is, you're out ~$700 CAD and you need to do something about it. I wouldn't just let this go, if it was a small low priced item I wouldn't care, but skates are extremely expensive and you should definitely not let the store get away with it.

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Can't really do anything now.. already sent them to another shop. worst come to worst, i might just buy some 703s off ebay or somethin... if these ones can't be fixed, that is. Guy at the sports store said he would try but it would be tough.

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The problem is there is not a lot of professional, I think the only professionals near me are in Florida and in Central PA. ;)

Who in Florida?

to hell with that, I'm trying to figure out who the other guy is. I need to hire him. :huh:

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Can't really do anything now.. already sent them to another shop. worst come to worst, i might just buy some 703s off ebay or somethin... if these ones can't be fixed, that is. Guy at the sports store said he would try but it would be tough.

Make the store that butchered your skates pay for the repairs. That is the LEAST they could do.

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Hes talking about a guy named Johnny Ronny.

hate to get off topic here, but I have wanted to ask this for a long time...JR,if you don't mind me asking, what the JR stand for??

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Hes talking about a guy named Johnny Ronny.

I sent my Vapor 10's to JR from Nebraska and had him put on a set of t-blades. He does an A #1 job guys!!!! Its alway worth the money to have equipment work done by a pro!!!! Thanks again JR!!

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Does your coach know you had to send them elsewhere to be redone?

No. Not gonna tell him either. Right now I am thinking about just selling these on ebay when they come back and buying some 703s off ebay and getting a pro to put light speeds on them... i hate life lol

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