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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reliable treatment to keep toe from chipping?

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I feel like there must be a thread on this somewhere, but searching only turns up the random question in random threads about "how do i keep the toe from chipping" without any solid answers.

I've tried electrical tape, hockey tape, epoxy drizzled into the broken part, superglue, gorilla glue, etc. The Reebok 11K Datsyuk blade I use and have an ample supply of is very durable in every way except the squareish toe chips and starts fraying worse and worse. I've had to retire a number of them not because the blade lost structural integrity or stiffness but because they are literally almost a full inch shorter than they started out because of toe chipping.

Anyone have any ideas?

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When I get a new blade I usualy put on a bead of super thin super glue around the entire edge and then use an old nail polish brush to make it flat. Around the edge of the toe I go in about 1/4 inch, once again I'm not gobbing it on just super thin. Then because I like the sandpaper finish of other blades I then hit it with one super thin, super light coat of the krylon clear grip spraypaint, just mist it. I use it for the grip and my tape doesn't come off as easy but the combo of the two helps against chips.

But when I do get chips I immediately use super thin super glue that will penetrate deep into the chip and under the flap and it usually seals it up nice without any extra mass on the outside.

People use epoxy but I find it much harder to get it deep into the chip and to cut it down so it doesn't gob on the outside.

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This honestly may not seem like much but ever since I started doing it a couple years ago my OPS stick blades have lasted much longer than before I did it. A simple strip of hockey tape around the edge of the blade then taped over normally has extended the life of my blades a lot.


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I've always run the tape along the bottom and over the toe and always 2 or 3 additional strips in the hard wear areas (heel and toe). After a year of use my daughters 11k is still going strong even though she is a D and likes to grind away against the boards, and as 11k's are notorious for the toe disintegrating then this is lasting really well.

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  On 7/19/2013 at 9:53 PM, cemetery said:
This honestly may not seem like much but ever since I started doing it a couple years ago my OPS stick blades have lasted much longer than before I did it. A simple strip of hockey tape around the edge of the blade then taped over normally has extended the life of my blades a lot.

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I do the same. I cut a piece of tape down the middle lengthwise and run it over the tip of the toe. Then do a standard tape job from heal to toe over it. Really helps.

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  On 7/20/2013 at 8:39 PM, Souldriver said:

here is a question. do you guys ever take that tape off? and if you do, do chips then come off with the tape?

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I have been taping my sticks like that for 30 years. I replace that strip every time I tape the blade, no chips come off with the tape.

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