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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton v9e or v9 thoughts

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Haven't seen much talk about these since they came out or any of the other new sticks for that matter (apx, new covert.)

Just trying to see thoughts on those 2 in particular.

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dt1lt much like the dt1 but a tad lighter a great response

V9 and V9E ....v9 as a good feeling but crap durability on blade and v9e was a let down a step down from the rs2 imo

apx2 much like the apx 1st edition not much change in the feeling imo

ribcore best stick rbk has made yet but they play stiff my 75 feel more like a big 85

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dt1lt much like the dt1 but a tad lighter a great response

V9 and V9E ....v9 as a good feeling but crap durability on blade and v9e was a let down a step down from the rs2 imo

apx2 much like the apx 1st edition not much change in the feeling imo

ribcore best stick rbk has made yet but they play stiff my 75 feel more like a big 85

V9E and V9 have the same blade. Where are you getting "crap" durability from?

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Im not going to comment on the V9 comments. Spent a few hours on multiple days using both. Ended up getting the V9 in E28. The sticks are everything the RS and makos are but better. I think the V9 is actually an inbetween instead of a mako. I love that twig. I got the e28 and its a bit of learning to get it right. I always shoot off my toe but the e28 dual lie is a much more aggressive rocker. I either hit dead red what I am aiming or I miss badly. Its usually because I am dropping my hands. I feel that the V9 for me was good for a snap or pull wristers and pull snap shots. I dont usually take a clapper so I cant comment on that.

I started shooting with an APX, then APX2 the RBZ, then Ribcor, then V9 and V9e. I have a pro stock Ribcor so I went with the v9. The shots rip off and its really the best feeling and shooting twig. Well the Ribcor is pretty darn close. I think the ribcor has more pop but I am not sure if that beats the smooth snap release of a V9

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I love the performance of Easton twigs but I had to switch because of the durability. I know this is a highly subjective question but any improvement in durability from the s19, RS, to the v9 series?

I used Eastons exclusively since the original synergy. With my S19's and RS's if they EVER got hit with a shot or even a stiff pass they would break, that and the blade would crack on the toe. I'm using a Nexus now and i've gotten hit in the shaft with multiple shots that would have otherwise broken my Eastons....with that said I prefer the Easton performance wise.

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I love the performance of Easton twigs but I had to switch because of the durability. I know this is a highly subjective question but any improvement in durability from the s19, RS, to the v9 series?

I used Eastons exclusively since the original synergy. With my S19's and RS's if they EVER got hit with a shot or even a stiff pass they would break, that and the blade would crack on the toe. I'm using a Nexus now and i've gotten hit in the shaft with multiple shots that would have otherwise broken my Eastons....with that said I prefer the Easton performance wise.

I would have to simply call that dumb luck. I have had great success with Easton sticks and durability. Although since they have killed the Drury curve (very bummed) I have not been able to test the new V series out.

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I love the performance of Easton twigs but I had to switch because of the durability. I know this is a highly subjective question but any improvement in durability from the s19, RS, to the v9 series?

I used Eastons exclusively since the original synergy. With my S19's and RS's if they EVER got hit with a shot or even a stiff pass they would break, that and the blade would crack on the toe. I'm using a Nexus now and i've gotten hit in the shaft with multiple shots that would have otherwise broken my Eastons....with that said I prefer the Easton performance wise.

My Twig did break but I am not sure how. I sent it back to Easton and we shall see why soon.

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I would have to simply call that dumb luck. I have had great success with Easton sticks and durability. Although since they have killed the Drury curve (very bummed) I have not been able to test the new V series out.

It could be dumb luck that the Bauers I've used have seemed more durable. It certainly isn't dumb luck that the Easton's weren't. I probably went through 15 S19's and 5 RS/RSII's

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It could be dumb luck that the Bauers I've used have seemed more durable. It certainly isn't dumb luck that the Easton's weren't. I probably went through 15 S19's and 5 RS/RSII's

Right....so you bought 19 more Eastons after the first one broke and proved to you how "crap" their durability is. Right...and the following 19 you broke finally changed your mind about Easton?

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I love both sticks. The shafts feel stiffer, which I'm a fan of since I like using a 75/77 flexes. The Mako 2 and RS2 were way too whippy. I could flex a 100 like it was an 85 on those two sticks.

As a forward that is more of a shooter, I'm favoring the V9e just a little bit more. It is easier to flex and has a good whip feeling to it compared to the V9 and a lower kick point which tailors to me more since I take mostly quick wrist shots. V9 has better puck feel in my opinion and the shots have more velocity on them. I use the E36 on both sticks.

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Right....so you bought 19 more Eastons after the first one broke and proved to you how "crap" their durability is. Right...and the following 19 you broke finally changed your mind about Easton?

No, at the point I was breaking a lot of them i was getting them for free so performance was king. Once I started having to pay for them i decided durability was a big deal for me. I wasn't breaking them as often since i was just playing adult league, they still broke relatively easily for my liking.

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can anyone give some insight to the flex of the V9? Do you find it softer or stiffer than the flex rating?

My understanding is that the V9 plays stiffer than the Mako and the V9E plays softer than the RS2.

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My understanding is that the V9 plays stiffer than the Mako and the V9E plays softer than the RS2.

This is extremely accurate in my experiences. One of the reasons I really liked the V9e. Not as noodle like as the mako, yet not as stiff as the RS2 played.

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My son has had both the V9 and the V9e. Both lasted about 5 games of high school hockey before breaking in the shaft on shots (100 flex). It appears in an effort to cut a few grams off the stick weight they sacrificed durability. Not worth the $259.99. Go with a V7

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I used an 85 and 75 and I like the 75. If you are breaking a stick on the shaft that wasnt due to blocking shots your son might want to go down in flex. What does he weight because I am surprised he can flex it and keep good technique. 100 Flex doesnt mean more durable. I weight 190 and under 10% bodyfat, I cut my stick about 5 inches. The best one timer in the game uses a 75 or less and crobsy uses an 80 or 75 depending on the sticks, not sure why. he also cuts his sticks about 5 inches.

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I used an 85 and 75 and I like the 75. If you are breaking a stick on the shaft that wasnt due to blocking shots your son might want to go down in flex. What does he weight because I am surprised he can flex it and keep good technique. 100 Flex doesnt mean more durable. I weight 190 and under 10% bodyfat, I cut my stick about 5 inches. The best one timer in the game uses a 75 or less and crobsy uses an 80 or 75 depending on the sticks, not sure why. he also cuts his sticks about 5 inches.

He is 5" 11" and 140lbs. He cuts maybe an inch off of his stick. He is strong enough to flex it and does not seem to take unusual hacks or wacks to the stick yet they break. He has used Easton sticks growing up without a problem. This years model Eastons do not hold up.

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Flex has nothing to do with bulging muscles, it has to do with shot. I see guys break more stiff sticks than they break whippy ones.

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it's funny reading these posts, because I was skeptical of the durability of the new easton sticks. but I couldn't find a yakupov curve that day so I picked up a V9E in the E28.

so far, 9 games and several practices of nothing but teeing up on goalies, I've had no problems with the stick at all. plays a little whippier than I was expecting, but I've just let the stick do more of the work to compensate. I think I prefer Bauer still, and now that they offer an E28 clone I'll likely switch back, but I've had no negatives come from the stick.

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I haven't actually checked but I thought I remembered a post on here saying that they had one in the customizer

You might be thinking P14 or maybe P08.

The Bauer P14 was "designed" by the same guy who "designed" the Easton E28 (Scott Bjugstad). I believe he also did the P46 Bergeron/C46 Landeskog for Reebok/CCM. The Easton E28 is by far the most toe-ish of all of his "designs" so far.

The P08 by Bauer is a tamed down version of Ovechkin's Pro curve. Not as deep and open IIRC, but more aggressive than an E28.

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