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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Narrowest shinguards?

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I was washing my hockey equipment the other day, and I pulled out my shinguards and the ones stitching came off, and the other had a crack in it, so needless to say I need to buy new shinguards before my games this weekend. The problem : I'm 15 with pretty skinny legs, and almost every shinpad I see now a days is so wide, and I hate, hate wide shin pads, so would you guys say the narrowest shinpads are?


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The Easton Stealth series and the Bauer Vapor would be the two that come to mind for me.

Vapors are a tapered fit, but they are not narrow.

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I second (or third or whatever count we're on now) the Stealth line. It's a good shin guards, and you can get them pretty inexpensive for a high level unit.

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I ended up getting warrior dynasty ax2 shinguards, the shop I went to didn't have much, and warriors intermediate shinguards are pretty narrow, and we're the narrowest in my size. Thanks for the help.

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I'd say they are average to wide. I would certainly not call them narrow.

I own a pair and they are very narrow at the bottom. Average to wide? Not sure what u are looking at. I had to warm them up to make them wider at the bottom because they didn't go around my skate very well.

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after looking at mine again, I still havent worn them in an actual game, I will agree that they are narrow at the bottom. Maybe to me they are average because CCM is what I've used for years, but i still feel the top is wider than stealth line

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I own a pair and they are very narrow at the bottom. Average to wide? Not sure what u are looking at. I had to warm them up to make them wider at the bottom because they didn't go around my skate very well.

I guess it is a matter of perspective. Narrow at the bottom? Maybe somewhat, but I would say all around more average, compared to what I would call narrow (Easton stealth, older Vapors, Sherwood traditionals) shinpads. They are not low-profile nor low volume by any means, which seems to be what OP is looking for.

Not the greatest pic, but I am 6' 195 lbs. and wearing pretty bulky pants (Tackla 9000). I have average calves.


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The Easton Stealth 85s (2012) I had were about as narrow as they come. They weren't only tapered toward the bottom, the knee and upper calf portion were narrower than most pads as well.

Unfortunately I haven't had a pair of pads from this line that I didn't lose to cracked knee shells well before their time. Two pair in a row isn't encouraging. I loved their fit otherwise.

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