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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pads for mens leagues

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I got jabbed in the kidney when crashing the net. Felt it all! Seems like they went a bit sparse on protection to enhance that lightness factor.

I took a butt end to the ribs in my CL's and felt it for sure; also had what felt like a muscle knot/trigger point there that was very tender for about a week and a half afterwards. Woke up one day and the pain and knot were gone. Who knows.

To be fair I can see them maybe doing a better job dispersing a larger thing like an elbow or glove to the torso padding, but at the time I was surprised that I felt as much as I did

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I wear the CLs and have had great experience with impact dispersion at the shoulder and back areas. More hard collissions in old guy/ beer league than I had envisioned, since having made my comeback one year ago. Most of the time, these collissions were accidents, but 3 (brought on by 2 different guys) were definitely intentional full speed body checks into my back when I was stationary- I fell all 3 times as the checks were from strong guys, but I did not feel pain or resultant injury on any occasion (thanks CL).

However, having had concerns about the lack of rib protection, I have recently begun wearing this:


* It's pricy, but I sweat like a monster, and still sweat like a monster even with this 37.5, but I do not seem to feel as drained. Could be placebo, but I will take whatever I can get!!

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